Meds and Creativity: How to Help?

I’m very happy to say that, after a long period of creative stagnation, I am back to my artwork. I credit medication for this. For the first time in months, I can organize my thoughts well enough to make art.

I was so excited about this until I read some of the threads here. They indicated that most people have the opposite problem. I’m crushed to hear this.

So, I know that it’s hard to help with such limited information that we have of one another, but I thought that I would throw this out there anyway: Is there anything I can do to help you with your art from this forum? I can edit writing or look at drawings or paintings. I also know music theory and would be happy to help anyone who would like feedback on their music. Feel free to message me anything you need.

We can do this, guys! We can make art on medication!


I love you more than pizza
Isn’t that kinda neat-za?

This is the start of a poem I was writing for my wife. Then I got writer’s block. Could you finish the poem for me?

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Were there two moons
the oceans would labor
until the water gave birth
to a reflection
of the pizza delivery guy

Were there two moons
the gravity of your soul
would eclipse
my fractured heart
until someone
glued it back together
with cheese


Er, not much I can use that rhymes with Nantucket. Just sayin’.

Haldol totally killed my ability to write. When I am not medicated my writing gets weird. Geodon and Seroquel smooth me out just fine.

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Inspiring post, thanks yous. :slight_smile: I write a little bit, but I think it’s all crap :frowning2: