Who here thinks they have found meaning in their life?
And do you think if you have a purpose you could manage your symptoms better?
Purpose of my life is to find a purpose!
Still not found.
Purpose in life triggers my symptoms.
As when things don’t expect it to go as per plan.
Yeah I was thinking about like I don’t need a purpose I rather experience life. Do what I like to do
Me & Yes, simple answers
I don’t think about it much; maybe I should. I could sit here and think about it now and say my meaning in life is working until I retire and keeping living independently. I don’t have any great cosmic meaning to my life or deep meaning or purpose. I pretty much take things as they come and manage my life with a few principles like trying to be honest, not doing anything illegal and working on being a better person.
The negative symptoms of my SZ really take away all meaning of life for me. The psychotic symptoms distract me so much as to what is meaningful. My hobbies and relationship with my family and myself are my purpose. My purpose overtakes priority of my symptoms. If I am going to always have symptoms regardless of what I do then I ignore them with the help of this forum and my therapist and medication and my father. My purpose helps me manage my symptoms by accomplishing things with my relationships and hobbies. What is the purpose of managing symptoms? To not suffer, or to be in control, or to have energy to live, or have a focus on things and to be able to use my mind accordingly? Money is also the basis of my purpose as long as I have health to do things. I have a very expensive lifestyle that I desire. I see so much purpose in money also. I also like to take it easy and be fascinated with existence in itself.
I’m disillusioned. But i think whats left for me is the pursuit of respecting this planet and hoping other humans will too so that wildlife, plants and humans can survive.
I try to appreciate the little things in life. Sharing a laugh with someone and stuff or animals. Otherwise i end up painfully aware of how meaningless it all is. You have to make your own meaning. Lifes is a series of experiences , good bad and everything inbetween. Hopefully luck is on our side and its more good experiences
I always wondered what people meant when they say “your purpose in life”. I’m personally not a believer life has any big purpose to it.
With that said, I think you can add purpose. In other words, I think we should all realize what we live for (without being negative about it) and strive to do better at what we love.
So with all that said, I think we create our purpose. And since we create meaning to life. We should all strive to be kinder to ourselves and other because this life is really short and there isn’t anything after life imo
That was better put than what I was trying to say in my post lol
I think trying to become a virtuous person is a good persuit
I have been thinking about this, been checking out Buddhism and stoicism. Sometimes I am filled with like vengeance or something. It’s really weird
My purpose in life is to do what I enjoy (mainly eating, Playing videos games and music)
I need to build meaning , try to cut out unhealthy unmeaningful habits . Stay peaceful do hobby that meaningful and not insta gratification
The meaning is 2 b or not 2 be, that is the question.
I thought also the meaning is 2 C or not too see for seeing is believing right?
I think that being is followed sometimes by seeing…
I am filled with vengeance. But what is the purpose of my vengeance I ask myself. It is from the unjustified delusions I have. I tell myself I have no enemy’s or any personal oppression or nothing done wrong to me personally. I don’t want to accept that everything in my life is appropriate. I am dealing with a diagnosis of SZ which is nothing intentional at all. Nothing personal but just another medical condition that can happen to humans.
Maybe life is about being the change u wish to see in the world?
What yall think about that.
I’m having trouble finding purpose. I originally wanted to go to college to attend medical school and then I decided I’d prefer working as a professor. Now that seems impossible. My relatives all live in another state and my own mother can’t comprehend what I experience. I get upset because nothing was done about the bullying which lead up to this and now Idk what I want to work as a career because most of the time I can’t do it and I have had so many failed attempts at possible careers. I have thought about trying to become a CNA next but I’m afraid my symptoms will screw that up too. I was an academic overachiever and very athletic before I got sick and now I can’t work a job beyond fast food, I’m poor because I don’t get much from SSI and Idk if ect and clozapine will work and if I’ll ever get to reattend school. I wish there was a magical solution to all of this because soon I will be 40 and too old for college and I feel like a letdown to my parents and that nobody can see how hard I tried to live a normal life and be successful. All I have are a handful of friends locally and they plan to move within the next year, so it’s like then what? I can’t get a boyfriend or meet nobody. I feel like my life has been poured down the drain and none of my hobbies are fufilling.