Man diet went out the window today!

Had a cheese burger and chips for lunch - don’t regret a thing :sunglasses:


Good to have a treat even while on a diet


I maintain a healthy diet…
It doesn’t help me…
Still I continue, perhaps one day things will improve…


Had loads of onions on the burger - was great.

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If you’re counting calories, that’s allowed. The only sin you committed was not logging the calories into myfitnesspal.

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Am going to go strict on myfitnesspal on the 6th of March. That is the day I meet my dietician and get weighed. Don’t have scales myself. Have been logging most meals though and am on about 2200 calories a day. Don’t know my goal as need to weigh myself accurately.


Cheat days are ok! And cheeseburgers are totally worth it!

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i had a macd’s this morning as well, 2 chesse burgers, fries and then for dinner i had a roll and sausage from the chip shop. :confused:


Sounds like a good day. I love roll and sausage! Do you put on brown sauce?

it had tomato sauce but it was a bit cold by the time i got to eat it so i didnt enjoy it very much.

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