Malt drinks vs soda drinks

Which is best cause no addiction and less sodium and better life with it ?
I want to change my food habbit of drinking 1 litre diet pepsi or diet 7up everyday :cry::cry::cry:
Thinking of birell and fayrouz


They’re both super unhealthy. Maybe seltzer could be a healthier alternative for you?


Could you maybe switch to pepsi max or diet pepsi?

I already drink diet pepsi but caused addiction to me i drink of it 1 litre per day
I spend one quarter of my budget on it :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:

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Oh. Them can you maybe switch it out with fizzy water or buy cola flavouring for water?

Why malt drinks is unhealthy ?

Flavored water is very good and better than soda. It is sparkling so it tastes a little like soda.


When you say malt drink are you referring to alcohol @saynow?

Edit: just looked up Birell and it’s nonalcholic beer. Nevermind.


These are great ways to drink more water. They taste great and much better for you


I like to occasionally drink Dasani flavored sparkling water. White peach is my favorite. It’s a little pricey however, so, I don’t drink very much of it. I drink mostly decaf coffee black, and lukewarm tap water, both in abundance.


Guys, diet drinks are dangerous too. They have been linked to sudden heart attacks and strokes.


I love Diet Coke but I know that it’s very unhealthy so I rarely drink it.

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Have you tried this one
It’s nice but I think it contains sugar though :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Sparkling water is pretty good if you’re craving a fizzy drink with no calories. Langers is currently my favorite.

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Thanks guys
i hope u happy life

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Thanks Saynow
You too best wishes

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