Made a second lighthouse

This one was the first I did.

This is the second one, trying to put into use (although not perfectly) the things I’ve learned about light and shadows.

I think maybe the first is a bit more interesting… but I spent more time on that, the second is mostly shading practice.


I do think the clouds is better in the second one though… I think I finally can make decent clouds.

If I’m being honest I like the first one better, but you’re right - the clouds look better in the second

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Yes, I like the first one better too. :slight_smile: the second was mostly practising different angle on light

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Cool :). I like that you’re working hard at it :slight_smile:

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Trying the same scene with more high res art.

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I struggle with getting things to look 3d. like the rocks… will try to improve on it.

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