🧜🏾🦖 Lucky 13 - Say Anything 1️⃣3️⃣

that was an error

The kindergarten thinkers are getting on my nerves. They want everyone easily identifiable, so they can recognize everyone, and do illegal things to accomplish that. Its not anyone’s fault they are so stupid. They think everyone should be like them, are so phony and superficial. No one would be driving a car, if people were supposed to be like them. They need to leave people alone.

I saw today in a pharmacy on a poster about hiring people which said: “You don’t have to be crazy to work here, We’ll teach you” and i burst into a laugh :laughing:


Please don’t do a 5 day fasting!!! Skip dinner or just have a salad for dinner


Yeah don’t do that. Fasting for too long will only hurt your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight. Especially for 5 days. You might not make it out.

Stick with what you are doing now. That is the best way to keep everything consistent. If something goes wrong, having changed things makes it harder to know what went wrong. So just keep with your diet, and your walking. You will get there. Rome was not built in a day. What you are doing now is working.


“Trouble is a traveler that never planned on being homeless.”

Whoop, got banned for promoting drugs, when I did no such thing. :+1:
Always something, with this site.

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I had a post flagged for something dumb and when I asked szadmin how to edit the post he told me not to promote drugs or alcohol. That was his entire response. My post has absolutely nothing to do with either.


I don’t want to stick my nose where it shouldn’t be, but I think part of the problem is that a lot of people tell themselves they’re using it medicinally when they’re really just fighting withdrawal or making things worse for themselves, and they don’t want people to encourage that kind of thinking.


So you’re saying it was more about what others think and not necessarily what @Goodnight_Moon thinks

Yes, definitely true. Unless you have an actual prescription and are being monitored, it’s not medicinal. Self-medicating doesn’t count.
I just don’t understand why they’re so strict about it on here. If a person is going to self-medicate with illeagal street drugs, then I don’t know how much people on here can really do about that.
I dont see how a topic discussing it’s use properly is going to be that triggering, but maybe it’s just me. I feel like the only problems they should have is if you are literally promoting and telling people to use it.
Oh well, I don’t want to disect this any more, and risk another ban. Haha.

I think it’s also because the weed discussion often turns into a political discussions, which is not allowed, and also often makes people go at each other’s throats for having different opinions.


Haha, that’s so true. Humans are so funny…
We turn anything into a political argument. Especially in 2018.
There’s a reason I never pay attention to politics. Lol
I didn’t even know or pay attention to who our active prime minister was, until Stephen Harper. I just don’t care, anymore. Haha

i jus did something crazy, i woke up really early today so i went back to sleep and while i was sleep i went into sleep paralysis and i was aware so i had one of my eyes open and one closed and i could see my other eye and the side of my face from a weird angle, it was weird i didnt even really think of it but when i did it it was cool

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@LED it is more than just cheating because I don’t like him anymore. I wish I could leave him just like that too because he is not good for me. And, to be honest, I do not feel attracted to him often anymore. He keeps saying he wants a happy family and I thought he was a family guy but I am realizing it is words. He can barely care for himself. I wish we could somehow stay friends and I can continue to be a positive light in his life. I feel like I still love him, but mostly as a friend because of all the nights we spent just chilling by the tv. My true feelings are that if my old bf truly changed either through meds or therapy, I will give him another chance. But the way he is now scares me and turns me emotionally unavailable.

it is kinda messed up i ordered something online sunday and i got the tracking info, it was supposed to arrive today but it has said on the website “shipment recieved, package acceptance pending”,so i think it has been at the post office where it is coming from and they just took a long time to accept it and send it i dont know exactly, but now today it says it has been processed and is in transit to the destination, i was hoping it would come in today but now it will probably be some time next week

I am so tired. Been working non-stop.

It is friday, finally and it is almost 2:30 pm. I will still clean the apartment.


Going to the grocery store - happy! :slightly_smiling_face:


I just cleaned up my apartment. Voluntarily. AGAIN.

What the heck is wrong with me.
I even feel good about it.


Picked up my bedroom a little bit and am washing the bedding,

Doing something has made me feel a little better,

BUT, now I’m super sore.