Lowering my Geodon

So hereโ€™s the basic story. I used to take 40 mg of Geodon and I was doing fine, so I tried removing it completely. I was okay for two months until I got a concussion at work. One of my teenage students grabbed me by the hair and bashed my head into a concrete wall repeatedly. After that, I had to go up to 160 mg of Geodon, because of PTSD impacting my psychosis. So I never got the chance to see if I would really be okay off the Geodon, since it takes two months to work out of your system.

Now, I am doing much better with my symptoms, so I am going to try lowering back down to 60 mg. If that is successful after two months, I will ask to be lowered to 40 mg, and see how that works.

The reason I want to lower my dose is that sleeping all the time is impacting my social life and making me feel like a lazy pile of nothing. I also want to have kids in about two years, and I canโ€™t do that unless I can be stable without medication.

Wish me luck, and let me know if I start acting crazier than normal!

Best of luck with everything! :sunny:

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**Luck! :four_leaf_clover: **