Low sex drive

I’m 61 years old and have low sex drive. My friend is 51 and still has some sex drive. I was happy to have sex with him today, and he was satisfied. Back in 2016 and they tested my testosterone, and it was on the low side. I enjoy being with him and the physical contact, I just feel bad my sex drive is low.

My primary care physician referred my to a urologist about my sex drive and ED. I did get an erection today. The earliest appointment I could get is May 26th. We seem to be getting along fine. I have just been waiting for him to suggest sex. I keep telling him that I want him, enjoy his company, that he’s attractive, and sexy. I just hoping he doesn’t go elsewhere because of my low sex drive.

Abilify is best for improving sex drive which you are already on. So I suggest you to talk with your Dr about testosterone therapy and viagra.

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Thanks Ariz. It’s been several months now that he comes to see me. He has PTSD and is very mistrustful. I tried going to his apartment, but that didn’t work out. He’s been in college but is going to drop out. He may go back after a while after a break.

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I’m glad you’re enjoying your relationship. I’m on invega, and it gives me ED. Sometimes I can get an erection. It’s an inconvenience.

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Thanks Sunlion.

It is good that you have a relationship. I have not had any relationship since my divorce in America in 2000, 21 years ago. I may start sounding like a loser. Sometimes I would like to have a relationship, because I am spending a lot of my time alone, but I have started feeling that I am too old for any meaningful relationship, well 54 in this year. Many szs seem to be living alone.

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I have the same thing though I don’t consider it a problem for me as I don’t care for it. You do though so worth speaking to someone.

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Thanks mjseu. I didn’t think I would ever be in a relationship again after my significant other and I broke up after I came down with SzA when I was younger. My new friend started seeing the same pdoc and he came over to me at the doctor’s office and started talking to me. He’s only been going to my pdoc for a year and moved in my apartment building.

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He was found not guilty of a crime due to mental illness and was court ordered into psychiatric treatment. His crime was terroristic threatening. Back in 2008 I was court ordered because of domestic violence.

I never hit my mom but threatened to burn her house down and vandalized her car. I was unmedicated at the time.

My friend’s trial was in NW Arkansas which is more conservative. I went before a fairly liberal Judge in the City of Little Rock. I don’t know about my friend, but I waived my right to a Jury Trial. The Judge alone decided my case. The Judge found I committed Domestic Violence but Not Guilty due to mental illness.

I just had a Public Defender, and court costs were waived because I didn’t fight the system.

I was out of it at the time, but that’s my best understanding of what happened.

@anon54988740 I hope you can find a solution to the problem.

My sex drive has always been rather low. Indeed if my wife and I had split up it would’ve been over that. I’ve not had sex for 31 years(wife’s been dead nearly 15.5 years) and doubt I’ll ever have it again.

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Thanks firemonkey. I’ll just have to wait and see what the doctor says. My friend seems to still be hanging out with me, so maybe it isn’t a problem. I don’t have many relatives and few friends, so I’m going to leave my money with him when I die. He said he would scatter my ashes. Just a sister and a cousin.

I have trouble sometimes getting the flag up the “pole” but haven’t really put too much effort in to trying to fix the situation. Rose is going through menupause and is really variable as to if she’s in the mood when she’s not too tired from work and school. Guess we’ll cross that bridge if it comes to it.

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Thanks DoubleNickel.

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Ah yes, the futile, long, drive for sex. Made that trip many times, usually unsuccessfully.

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Yeah look into Viagra @anon54988740
I suffer with ED and blame the risperdal and low Testosterone it’s causing me.

Testosterone replacement can be dangerous but you can always ask your family doctor.

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Thanks 77nick77.

Thanks Wave. 15

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I don’t know what to do… before this psychiatrist I was playing with “it” 3 to 4 times a week now it’s once a week and I’m only 33 wtf

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Thanks Makaveli.

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