Low Levels of Omega-3 fatty acids related to cognitive impairment in patients with schizophrenia

Our results indicate that reduced blood omega-3 fatty acids are associated with cognitive impairment, which then impacts social functioning outcomes in schizophrenia.



@firemonkey @far_cry0 @erez_shmerling @Indecisive etc
Have you tried Omega-3 fatty acids? It could be beneficial for cognition…


Nice find andrey … @Andrey why didnt u take title…like mine iz sexiest man alive…take a new one…!!

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I tried them for a short while a few years back, but not really long enough to judge them as to how much they might help.

For Those interested the full article



I’ll think about it… :thinking:

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Yes @Andrey you can pick one from here:
-Master of minds
-Master of my own mind
Because you are self applying CBT or make one on your own, it must be something with “the mind” :smile:

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“Master of my own mind” sounds really cool. Thanks for the suggestion Julian !!

@anon9798425 could you please set my title to the quote above?


Andrey title looks great…thanks to julian too…take care …


I have been taking Omega 3 a couple times a week.

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does it help?


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I am not sure since I started taking sarcosine and certain vitamins, my memory is a lot better.

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15016334437842020220916 I take 3 softgel a day and B-complex vit d multimens vitamins and melotonin

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I take Omega 3 capsules twice a day every day. Helps my mood and my arthritis. I noticed my memory isn’t too bad either anymore.

I increased my dosage substantially. From 200mg DHA to 460mg plus like 700mg EPA. Actually I have been feeling better lately, just generally. But, mostly I take it because you need it in your diet and I don’t eat that much fish.

How many capsules a day is that ?

It’s two, but I switched brands. I’m using the Life Extension brand now.

Some brands don’t actually have as much DHA as they say. Good quality control is important.

ETA Life Extension has several formulations of DHA, I am using the Mega. I expect they’re all good though.

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Have taken the plunge and ordered .


You don’t really need omega 3 supplements. Most people just need to balance out their ratio and eat less omega 6.


Just FYI and for future reference, if you want to go one step further, closer to research settings, without the confounding variables of impurity, you may want to look for a professional brand of ω-3 PUFAs. Usually, pharmaceutical-grade supplements are only available through practitioners, but you can get some of these brands (Metagenics, Xymogen, etc.) online through specialist websites or even on Amazon. Also, fish oil doses and target ranges vary depending on the goal of supplementation and the condition being treated (e.g. ‘DHA’ supports cognitive function, whereas ‘EPA’ is linked with ‘mood’). Here is my regimen that my practitioner has clinically judged to be appropriately indicated for me:

Metagenics OmegaGenics™ DHA 600 - 5 capsules daily

(Each capsule supplies 60 mg EPA and 600 mg DHA.)

@InnerCircle Just looked it up. It’s very expensive at the dosage you take.

According to http://www.goedomega3.com/index.php/blog/2015/08/omega-3s-and-cognition-dosage-matters 1000 mgs+ would be a reasonable dose for cognitive function. At 2 tablets a day it’s still rather expensive.

dha and cognition

@firemonkey farmed trout is also a good source of omega 3. It’s usually not very expensive (at least in the US) and it’s easy to cook.

Not all fish is equal in terms of omega 3 content.