I saw the light in your eyes,
The diamond glistening reprise.
The chorus harmony rung true,
We came together me and you.
I saw the angels dressed in white.
I saw the armour laden knight.
Shining diamonds in the sky
I held your hand & lifted you up high.
We danced upon a permeating plume
A hazy, fuzzy, warming, melancholy tune
It Played in our ears as we danced along
Starlit Fountains of misty dew begotten dawn
Humbled Empathetic ears became silent
our deepest burning fears ran dry
We thirsted for the knowledge of the ancients
With no reason how, where, when or why.
But Alas it was not to be,
We drifted on an opal pearlescent sea.
The waves crashed in stormy cagey swathes,
Glistening shadows formed frothy thoughts depraved,
Hastening what was not to be,
Forsaken shipwreck of you and me.
Pulled by undercurrents sodden timbers swell
Sending our most precious vessel of our love
To fathoms of a briny, crusty ocean Quell.
Our Love now nestled in the undefining sand
I keep alive the memories of our finest stand
Sweet reminiscence unlocked within
A hearty bough, within a trough of a valley
Undertow & Dim.
You were my Anchor, and now that’s all that remains.
Under the Iron sea, metal writhes and chains now only Causing pain,
Crustaceans eat slowly at this last remnant of our love,
Touched only by God before he took off his Gloves,
Break my bonds, let loose these chains,
Drop my anchor and wash away the bitter stains.
Wipe my tears, let the angels take my soul
For the memory haunts inside this earthly bowl.
Unto the depth a bitter cold, now old,
I sink into the dreachit quagmire ready to be…