Looks are important,but I'll never cheat

Looks are important that many people find ways to improve and enhance it.Some people are born with good looks,some average and some does not enjoy the privilege of good appearances.

Anyway,there are a lot of ways to improve your appearances whereby some are hardwork and some are easy way.I think it’s very normal to want to look good and then feel good,but personally I would not want to enhance my look via easy way,because I believe when you gain something without hardwork or effort,you lose it easier.

Btw,I am envious of people who are born with a good looks lol. :smile:


I was born with good looks, learned early that looks mean very little, for the others maybe they mean the world I don’t know, the majority of them are evil and I don’t even believe in evil (I mean I used to not) I do. Now I’m fat and care probably less than I ever have (which is not much) of looks, I’m a practical person, I buzz my own hair, I make sure I don’t have a breakout and I’m fine. Going from absolute for all I know model material in my mid 20’s to a fat guy with natural good looks (for all I know something awful to be) I don’t care and now that I know that what’s here is experiencing the world in an alien way to me, it’s the least of my worries.

But, yeah, I was born with good looks, met with good looks, but soon realized that looks meant nothing to me, in regards to socially mandated/pushed looks anyway which would have passed with A’s unti I metone without looks l (I just spilled whiskey all over my desk) my mouse is all over the place. Anyway, it took a while to know that I have to balance an emotional/romantic attraction with a physical attraction which can be all over the place, thick witha pretty face, in my experience, we were magnets, but once magnets always magnets. I don’t even know who my first was or how many I’ve been with, I just know there’s a type I don’t gel with, it’s like dealing with an alien race and that’s the purely “hookup” no emotional attachment possible type…friends sure can be but not more. Can one draw conclusions here? Nope. Believe me people (or whatever you are) are simple idiots whish is all it takes to live in this world anyway which is what I figure they figured. Where’s all the intelligent one’s they left behind? Oh are they the outcasts?

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Looks aren’t everything but I think having good looks if you’re a man or a women opens a lot more doors in life then for someone who was not blessed that way.
I read that most people assume good looking people are nicer than average looking people just because of how they look. It’s not true, there’s plenty of attractive people who are jerks, especially the ones who use their looks to put other people down.

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I’d like to say that the more attractive people are jerks, but then, life experience warns me against it, people are jerks, period. There are nice people out there, I’ve known some with or without good looks. What’s it mean to be nice? (because I can’t not be someone who wouldn’t be accused of being a jerk) I’d say someone who doesn’t judge too easily and allows time to get to know people, someone willing to forgive one for being human and ultimately someone who even if desperate doesn’t look to use you.

I guess I just described myself, but then I’ve been as much of an ass that I once pissed in a beer bottle and got a room full of clelbrants to yell “chug!” as my target entered the room, chugged the whole bottle. I had to tell him eventually and he never believed me, couldn’t I don’t think. I guess that story says, I guess what I’ve known for so long, that you just never know, which is why I don’t rush to judgment.

I feel so much in this brave new world of mine, so incomprehensible, is based on immediate judgment, how things look on the surface and what I’ve learned in life is the opposite.


Hello,I respect that you give some time before you give judgement on anybody,but nowadays some people judge quickly.I used to be very negative,unlikeable and had poor manner etc…I think besides we not judging new people we meet,we should also not judge people who in the past had not been doing well for some reason themselves.

I like it when you say we being human can make errors,haha

I would say it takes a lifetime to get to know a person as we are all a work in progress in my experience and yes we’re that freaking complicated. Doesn’t mean you have to know the same person over the course of a lifetime luckily.

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Haha,it would be a blessing to know people you
Love/care for a lifetime.

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Thank you, I would only hope it was.

So called flaws are often the most attractive feature when in love. So think the topics rather blazay.

Teddy Roosevelt also said comparison is the thief of joy. :sunglasses:

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man from the outside I’ll just say you look good @gtx… you have clear skin and fine features… you seem hygienic and in shape… I’d say in the realm of looks you are doing well.

Now women… there are always more beautiful women out there. I mean it sneaks up on you when the last one gets topped by a new one.

I totally agree with you on all that you said there.

Your look doesn’t mean anything when you hate yourself and feel dead inside

There’s a cliche saying the beauty comes from inside but i think its 90% truth.

You look great @Gtx1990 I told you before (:

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Thanks a lot, i know I look average but I will take your compliment to make me feel good,haha