Long, long ago, in a psyche ward far, far away

My first psyche ward was like a resort. If I hadn’t been out of my mind it would have been the best vacation of my life. The food was good, most of the people were either friendly or let me alone. Some chick wanted to make out with me, I’m not quite sure why it never happened but I felt flattered that she even asked. It was clean and new and kind of out in the country.

A counselor took me jogging with him. I played a lot of ping-pong and pool and one night they set up a projector and we watched a movie. We walked to a park and played kickball; that was fun.

I became pretty psychotic after a couple days there and was suffering but I used to sit in the back porch by myself in a chair that overlooked a bunch of hills and the weather was good and nobody bothered me.

The funniest thing that happened was I almost lost my virginity to this older girl. I was 19 and she was about 25. We were alone in the exercise room at night and stuff was progressing but a nurse walked in and caught us.

The nurse told me I knew better than that and I got dressed to go to my room and I had to walk past the nurses station. The nurse had told the rest of the counselors and I indignantly denied everything until one male nurse pointed out the my pants were undone and my belt was undone which kind of ruined my argument. If I’m being honest here, that nurse that caught us was fine and I would rather have slept with her than the other girl. I don’t think I was her type though. She probably wouldn’t have slept with me even if she was drunk.

All that happened and I was only there about 8 days. A lot more stuff happened there too and I met people and most were friendly and it was pretty mellow there. Damn schizophrenia wrecked my psyche ward visit.


I managed to dodge the psych wards as my lovely mother decided to look after me. Not sure how I would have done in such a setting but I was psychotic and getting messages from tv and the media.

I’m glad I avoided that for sure! Thanks mum!


I had 4 psych stays and I’ve survived. No one ever bothered me. Either because I have such a charming personality or it was because I looked crazy as ■■■■. Idk.

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I’ve been in a few different psych wards. One as a 16 year old, so in a children’s psych ward. Then 3 more times as an adult in 3 different wards. The experience was mostly positive.

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