First time in pych ward?

I remember mine, october 1995, i was really scared, but i made a few great friends there, few still around, a few sadly not with us anymore! thoughts?

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My first stay I befriended some young twenty year olds.

One gal said to me, “You don’t belong in a Mental Ward…you belong in Genius Camp!”

I told her that I wasn’t that much smarter than she was…that I just had more life experience.

I miss those youngsters and often wonder what became of them.


I was a teenager my first time. It was very traumatic for me but I got through it

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My first inpatient stay came after i cut my arms and tried to kill myself. I was in a decent hospital, two people to a room, decent food. There were different groups to go to during the day. I was like 19 but there were older people there too. I think i was there a couple weeks. Then they turned me loose again.

It was a decent experience.

My first stay was actually February of this year (I was 28 at the time). I felt the hospital was counterproductive to helping me cope. I like music, TV, good food, etc to help me cope with my illness. In the hospital, I didn’t have any of that. Incredibly boring, and had me on edge most of the time. I roomed one night with a white supremacist who had prison tattoos all over. I asked to move rooms the next day – too unnerving.

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It’s 9 years ago. Didn’t like it at all. Stayed 3 weeks in Bellevue Hospital NYC and 3 weeks in University Hospital Leuven.

My parents checked me in and then I was alone in my room sitting on the bed and I remember thinking I had crossed a line and my life would never be the same again.

Before the psyche ward the only experience I had with the mental health system was seeing therapist for several months.
I remember it really freaked me out when the guy I shared the room with starting talking loudly to himself and was spouting off a bunch of religious stuff about Jesus and the devil.
Later he got sent to another psyche ward where bad cases got sent.

IDK. I played a lot of pool and ping-pong, played chess with a counselor, went jogging in the hills with another counselor. Talked to a couple girls; made out with one of them. Paced around a lot. After 4 days I had an episode where I was about 5 minutes from going stark raving mad but they gave me some liquid haldol that knocked me out and when I woke up I was much better. It was a physically nice ward. Very new and modern.

My first time was pretty scary. I lost about 24 hours of time before going in. They had no groups ect for people with mental illness. The only groups they had was for people with drug addiction issues.

I was friend with a young girl there until she came to my bed at night wanting sex, weird. I refused, I am not having sex in a public place lmao

Sometimes we went to the lake feeding the ducks, from the psychiaty; as a guy with his girlfriend passing by in a car. Yes, the psychwards changed my life. What a vegetable i became ?

My first time in psych ward (in Jan 2003) was like a hotel it was so nice. It was private clinic with beautiful garden and occupational therapy and excellent food. Loved it there but my parents medical aid ran out so I could only stay nine days. Was sad to leave. It was too soon.

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2008, I wasn’t schizoaffective yet, just bipolar. Had a suicide attempt. They allowed portable video games in the unit back then so I spent most of the time beating Chrono Trigger on DS.

I was so scared.

They restrained me and put me to the ground with five nurses holding me down and twisting my arms.

I couldn’t breath and panicked.

They had me in a tiny room that stank of poo , wee and vomit and left me there after they put a needle in me.

I was on the closed strictest Ward first and wasn’t aloud out and they watched me shower and toilet doors were open etc

After some time (weeks days I don’t know) they moved me to the other wing where I eventually was aloud out accompanied atleast.

I had a couple guys take care of me .

I loved all of the patients there though as everyone helped each other.

I put on so much weight.
Think I was on risperidone.
All I wanted to do was eat eat eat.

Life revolved around eating.

A girl had committed suicide there a couple days before I was there I think she hung her self.

I was so scared all my hospitalisation but first one was probably worst because I couldn’t breath and they put me in isolation in that stinking room with nothing soft in it and it was tiny.

I remember fixing a whole in my orange pants I had which is strange since I suck at sewing ha ha ha and that they let me use a needle and thread is strange too but they were monitoring me while I did it.

It was around 2001. I was really bummed out and expecting the worst. But it actually seemed a little ethereal. But then things changed and it seemed ordinary and boring.

I was maybe 16. Had ECT. ECT has changed since then apparently. It was a horrible experience but I didn’t really care that it was at the time. Was admitted many times as a teenager

It was a couple of years ago and it was hell

I still have nightmares

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I was 17 and I was sent to a youth offenders prison because I was so psychotic I was yelling at the magistrate judge trying to convince her that I was being brainwashed by Al-Queida

They transferred me to a secure hospital wing in London, and then a month later the Crown Court judge let me out on appeal.

I was given a 12 month community treatment order, and that got me off drugs.

The community hospital admitted me a few weeks after I got released, and they ended up sending me to a forensic ward, as I was smashing stuff up, but I can’t remember doing it. I think it was the drugs they gave me

I didn’t see the inside of a mental hospital again until I was about 25

For me it was ISIS.

I was so scared and sad and ashamed my first time in a ward.
But after a few days, I made friends with some other patients, and things didn’t seem so bad.

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First time I was there I was 18 and I don’t remember much I just wanted a damn cigarette ----- I remember a skin head guy and a gay dude saying the nurses were effing him all night, lotsa boredom, embarrassing things because I didn’t believe I was mentally ill, I just wanted to go home ---- I dunno. August 2007 was a horrible time for me :fearful: