Long hair on middle aged women

I’m thinking of growing my hair down to my elbows. But I’m 43. Am I too old for hair that long?


No of course not! I’m not far from 43 and my hair is long.


Well, there’s Cousin It, a shining example for you to not care what people think.

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I’m going to rebel and not only have long hair middle aged but when I’m old. I can’t stand the way old women wear their hair. I gonna fight against looking like that.


Hair down to your elbows is really long for any age. It would probably be unmanageable ?

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long hair is beautiful on women…grow it out !!


Thanks for your input @anon12381882 @jukebox @everhopeful @77nick77 @roxanna. I’m going to grow it out and reassess when it’s that long. I can just put it up if I’m doing something where it’ll get in the way. I have always thought older ladies look good with long gray or white hair but I wasn’t sure if I’m way out of the norm. But I’ll give it a go :slight_smile:


Piano gal! Ive missEd you so much and I thought about you so much when I was gone

Maybe just maybe feels kind of the same way about me??? I doubt it but I think we are friends right. I sure hope we are. You’re young. Grow it any way you like.

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No way! I’m almost 43 also and my hair is at the middle of my back. Sometimes I wonder if it’s too long but I love it too much to cut it. I say go for it!

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I had to cut mine, it thinned so much. I miss my long, thick hair.


Thanks @Jonnybegood :slight_smile: I’ve missed seeing you on here. I’m glad you’re back!

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My hair is thinner than it used to be but it’s still thick.

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@melmel7, I’m going to grow it out. I’m glad you love your hair. It’s good to like things about yourself. :slight_smile:

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I think gone are the days when only young women can have long hair. I would if I could but my hair is too fine and just breaks off. Do what you like. Your opinion is what matters most.


No, I had long hair down to my hips at the age of 40. At age 41, I cut it down to just below my shoulders and it looked very thick, shiny, wavy and great. I didn’t cut my hair short until I turned about 49.

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I’m not even sure I can grow my hair to my hips! Do you like your hair short now?

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What makes you think you can grow your hair long huh?
For what reason would you want it, btw I’m all for it but why?

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Older women can be plenty hawt. HAWT, I tell you. I had a poster of Tina Turner with a picture taken when she was in her fifties. OMG, those legs just never quit.

:heart_eyes: :kissing_heart:


My mom used to say that a woman over 40 shouldn’t have long hair. But I was over 40 and had my hair past my shoulders. Now it’s just at my shoulders.
I say if you like your hair and you’re able to grow it long then you should!


I’ve never thought long hair had an age limit.

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