I want to get my hair cut soon again mind you I got it cut in July! I really like this haircut I’m looking at, my hair seems to be growing out and just sits there and I can’t do anything with it really and I’m getting bored with it, what do you guys think, has it been long enough and is it good enough of a reason to get my hair cut again
I wouldn’t mind trimming my hair shorter again (it’s a long pixie now) but I promised hubby I’d grow it out for him to shoulders. But what I really want to do now is touch up the henna again because it’s fading. I love red henna colour
@Happy_H@Hadeda thanks guys, my hair is very unmanageable when it’s long because of the kind of hair it is, I tend to rip it and I can’t figure out how not to and no one has taught me not even hairdressers so keeping it long is very painful and my husband understands that and doesn’t mind my hair being short… I’m not sure if he’ll like it this short though… I really like it though
When my hair is long condition makes it look weighed down and oily if used during every wash but will rip without it so I just gave up on long hair in July and got the green light from my husband on cutting a lot of it off
I cut myself some very micro bangs as a kid and never touched scissors again. I agree about not doing it without experience; you wouldn’t want to end up like 4th grade me.
I think I remember your face from your octopus hat pic and from what I remember that style would be adorable on you. But that being said, you really want a pro doing the cut, especially the first time. Then trims I think you and David could do. Oh, now I’m excited to see it.
I think that would be a nice cut on you. I agree to have a hairdresser do it. You would probably need a pro to maintain it. Short cuts need regular trims to maintain them.