Lifetime sudden cardiac death risk 4+ times higher for those with schizophrenia


That’s what worries me about the clozapine…QTc-prolongation turning into ventricular fibrillation and sudden cardiac death. The mental health professionals don’t seem to think it’s a big deal but it scares me silly.


The 5 remembrances !!!

Enough Christmas :gift:

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What’s the cardiac death risk if you go paddle boarding by yourself in -8C weather without anyone else around? Asking for a friend. Yeah.



I think this is due to an unhealthy lifestyle. We eat crap, we don’t exercise, we smoke and we don’t socialize.


Fixed it so it applies to me.


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It’s sure as hell why I’m so unhealthy. I have to say tho…my sza doesn’t help at all.

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I don’t think the study emphazises how big of a deal the medications is in this aspect. They say people with mental illness tend to live more unhealthy but don’t link it to medication other than weight gain.

In most cases unhealthy living happens because of the side effects from the drugs like solomnes, motivational problems, sedation, sleep problems, etcetera.

I guess maybe big pharma funded this one too.


Scares me alittle too. But what can you do? When it’s time to leave you leave. I don’t like to say die because I believe that in death we just transform into some other manifestation. I believe our essence moves on.

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This is horrible news. I’m done drinking except for special occasions

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Type 2 diabetes
High cholesterol
High blood pressure

All risks with the meds


But i know i need the meds or else im a mess , a big mess

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