Let's see your guitars!

I got a eukelele when i listened to The Magnetic Fields and was inspired, but it went out of tune so quickly I returned it.

I loved it though, but transferred to a guitar instead.

Why not do the same?

Yamaha acoustic.


The yamaha acoustic is a beauty! Did you get it from new?


My setup is a mess, so individual pictures only. I have everything in a corner of my room, and it’s a bit hectic at the moment, but I keep a stool and amp there as well as cases. Blue is an ESP LTD 256 and purple is an ESP LTD 1000. Acoustic is a full body and top mahogany Martin, model 15.


the 3 acoustics i have are from goodwill auctions website. the rest i got new like the ibanez i got from guitar center but the rest are just random china brands when i was in an internet rabbit hole about 5 years ago trying to see if cheap guitars can still be playable. i feel like if someone performs they wouldnt be optimal but for learning and practicing i feel just about any guitar is good. sometimes i night i just play on the guitar while laying in bed lol it seems to be helpful for relaxing to sleep tho


I agree with your theory on cheap guitars. My first electric was an Epiphone Les Paul, and I think it cost 200 or 300 USD. Nothing fancy, but it worked nicely and was perfect for learning. I’m mailing that one to my niece for her birthday this month. It’s all boxed up in the corner, just waiting to be sent out. Good for beginning.


Yea I got it from guitar center!!! I love her but I neglect her lol

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I’m surprised how many people have guitars :grin: sz’s :roll_eyes:


Can I post my banjo?


They look like pieces of art @Happy_H !

The blue one is particularly beautiful to me.

I bet they can blast a riff or two :slight_smile:

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Absolutely, let’s see the banjo in all its glory!


I started on a eukelele… but a banjo is a complete instrument in its own right!

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I play banjo and guitar…all I have right now is a 12 string “Recording King”. great sound and fairly easy to play for a 12 string…take it to family and friends gatherings and play for my wife every day.


Let’s see it then! :eyes: :slight_smile:

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My guitars are nothing special. I won’t take a picture. My mandolins are not so great either. I got a bouzouki which actually is a wonderful construction but I never play it. There’s just no books written for the Irish bouzouki since it is a new invention.


no photo capability on my phone…sorry. been that way a long time.


Actually I just found several Irish bouzouki books on Amazon. It changed. I just ordered a book. I don’t like using my credit card each month, I’m on disability.


İ have schecter diamond series 7 string guitar i play black metal and death metal :metal:

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I just looked it up on ebay!

Looks like a mean machine!

Rock on!

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Why not record a sample and post it in Raw guitar! - Lounge - Schizophrenia.com

Love to hear some death metal!

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Electric guitars are about $1000 each? I’m just guessing. My dad’s Gibson Dove acoustic I think cost like $3000

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