Anyone here on Latuda and didn’t gain weight. It says in the study that the people that took it only gained like 2 pounds in 6 months. Anyone here like that I’ve gained 10 pounds.
I’m really lazy on latuda. I guess it will take time for my body to adjust, but so far I find it more sedating than before I went on it and was risperidone. I take long naps thoughout the day, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I gain weight on it.
Just keep sugary addicting foods out of ur house and you will be fine.
I lost weight while on Latuda u just have to eat the right foods.
I’m on Latuda and have managed to lose weight. Before that I was on Clozaril and wow, the weight gain there - geez!
I have gained 18 pounds in a period of 11 months. But some things effected that too such as vacation and working from home and drinking too much. It does not increase my appetite though.
I gained about thirty pounds on Latuda but I am happy with my weight. I was too skinny. I agree that it doesn’t increase your appetite.