I guess I have been always a bit afraid to go to bars late at night because I don’t drink although I enjoy playing pool and eating wings. There is also a McDonald’s that is open 24 hrs. I get kind of tense in the middle of the night and want to go out but I get a bit afraid of drunk drivers, deer and robbers. Not as afraid of covid because I have had it at least once.
Not anymore. I used to. I don’t even like late night driving anymore. I can’t see as well at night as I used to so I don’t like driving out in darkness if I can avoid it.
I used to walk to Quick Trip super late at night to buy smokes and snacks. There was always sketchy and weird people around there.
Nowadays I just vape so no real need for the corner store. I pretty much stay inside when it’s dark out unless if it’s only like eight pm and I need to go to the grocery store.
Last time I went to a 24 hours McDonald’s was to get nuggets at 4 am. Let me tell you, those were some bad nuggets, I threw them up within an hour. Didn’t help that I used the Buffalo dip.
i used to go to this strip bar with my friends long time ago, then the night club after, it was a blast. those places closed down. I dont even know if people go to nightclubs any more. it seems to be just lounges or pubs these days.
In my experiences strip clubs are where you meet pretty beggars who ask you for money and drinks constantly. Never been a fan of beggars, regardless of whether or not they’re topless
We have very few strip clubs in VA, there was a law passed against new ones opening so only old ones got grandfathered in, and one of the two I know about burnt down. They wear tassels anyway which is a big turnoff in my book. If you drive up to DC though there’s a ton of them, over in like Adam’s Morgan and stuff.
This one was wild. They had strip a thons where you had a rating scorecard and pools full of jelly and they would wrestle lmao. I won’t go into anymore detail but that place was like what I imagine Vegas would be like