I don’t know, I could see it going a few different ways. the most likely is that I stay on ssdi and live alone here for the next 10 years. or maybe even longer, stay here for 20 years until mom and dad die, and then sell my place and move.
another thing I could see happening, is me becoming a working stiff. just get in the routine of going to work, saving for retirement, and doing that until im in my 60’s.
slight probability that I actually go back to school. im considering it, but I really don’t have the money for it so probably will not.
I think I will continue to be single unless I start getting out and mingling. at the moment being single doesn’t bother me, the longer im alone the more it becomes my normal.
what else, o I will probably go through numerous diets, and periods where im focused on my health and exercise only to fall back into taking it easy again
I just feel like im in a holding pattern right now, I’ve been doing this same old thing for a few years now, so it’s just a matter of time before the next thing starts for me.