Just seems like yesterday (Obama)

i cant believe its been eight years, i remember when they were whooping it up up about the first black president and now he is going after eight years, he’s been great, but time has flown by, i mean what can you actually say about the last eight years as Obama as President?

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Well he didn’t really do anything notable. The ADA is a complete mess and he purchased a car company for a while.

Even my little town will change in this new world that is coming … they are moving more to right

Obama shouldn’t have passed the ACA I think…it just got everyone’s hopes up and now the republicans are going to unplug it early this year…makes me sick.

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New people, new leaders, new world … will also change the parliament of my little country … I am excited and looking forward …

I rely on SSDI and Medicare and I’m really scared that the Republicans will do away with it.

If this happens I could end up Homeless and penniless.


How could a paranoid schizophrenic person become a President of my little country … :smile: now you know … my childhood dream …

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There will be local elections in all cities of my little country … I think that the new world will elect new leaders …

i’m on ssi and medicaid and i too am scared that republicans will get rid of it or change it so i lose it. my doctor said the only change i may face is having to pay again for my meds i’m on 10 different meds and at 3 dollars a piece i cant afford to pay for them since i only have 30 left over after i pay rent.


Maybe even Finexit may be possible … in the same way as Brexit

He didn’t bring the change we had hoped for, but he didn’t do a bad job, and he managed to get insurance for a lot of people who otherwise wouldn’t have it.

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Nothing is going to happen to SSDI or Medicare. Too many seniors depend upon it. I think they will raise the retirement age past 65 for full benefits. But that’s about it.

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Let’s hope you’re right @TomCat.
They may touch Medicaid though

I’m astonished that Trump won the presidency. That seemed incomprehensible to me. I think that what will happen is that Trump’s staff will run the country. I don’t think Trump has the right mentality for politics. He is way too reckless.


It seems to be that everything that I remember about Obama was in the beginning. Mostly I think because after my psychotic break I didn’t keep up with politics as much.

I didn’t like how he rammed through obamacare without the support of the republicans. Although that kinda bit him later as I see it as the reason he could barely get anything done later.

On his watch we killed osama bin laden which is a plus.

He borrowed 1 trillion I think to bail out businesses which in my opinion was the worst thing he did(I don’t like spending).

He kept highlighting and bringing up race in various situations and cases that he didn’t need to. Although that is minor in my opinion.

Also there is the Iran deal which I believe is total crap(not as bad and the bail out).

Should note he wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I thought he would be on national defense.

There are some more positive things but I think that I forgotten them. Overall a somewhat bad to moderately bad president.

I agree is @tomcat they won’t touch ssi and medicaid. Seniors are too big of a voting block and despite how people like to demonize republicans a whole bunch of seniors are republicans. They are a voting base. There is a reason why democrats keep talking about cutting the military budget. Because they can’t touch ssi.

Just would like to change something as I recently heard he commuted the sentence of chelsea manning. This makes me say that Obama was a moderately bad president.

He wasn’t a bad president.
I think that he was a pretty good president who had a lot of opposition in Congress.


I gave my reasons on why I thought he was a bad president. If you don’t think so that’s okay, no problems.

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