Future Insurance Worries Under the New US Administration

Well, in just about a week we will have a new president of the United States.
I keep hearing about all this health reform and repealing of different programs such as Obamacare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
I’m looking up what exactly this means for people who live with our illness and others who may have other mental illnesses/disabilities. I don’t know if I should be worried or not. Currently I get insurance through my state, and I’m all worried about it going away.
Does anyone know more details about what is going to happen, and should I be worried?

there are plenty of programs through my state as well, so I am not too worried

You want details of “obamacare” according to Trump the red rump?

He states quite clearly that he will let it implode because it’s the democrats fault and they have to deal with it, so in the same breath he says re will remove it, not immediately, but maybe the week after, or maybe not in a week after, but more like on a someday…anyway, cut to the part about what he is replacing it with…still waiting.

As far as Social Security benefits, they are paid for by us- those who have put their $ in before they were given, and I’d love to see him try to them from those who are entitled to them.

I feel sorry for you Yanks…

Covered here in Canada for almost every ailment you could think of.

The thing is, I’m not really sure what exactly my coverage is. I think it is medicaid though? Some kind of state insurance? I’m currently in CT.

I’m not asking any of you what I have, as clearly none of you would know (just clarifying my statement).

Medicaid is state covered medical, when your income goes below certain amounts- usually you can’t have much of anything to your name.
Trump isn’t interested in making America great for EVERyONE, only his circle of family and friends.

Errr, enough talk about him for now from me.

My pdoc told me Obama Care would implode back before Trump was the Republican candidate. He said all the insurance companies are bailing and it’s just a matter of time. I think he’s right my insurance for my family went from $300 a month to $800 a month from a 2k deductable to a 5k deductible. I get nothing for the $800 a month i pay plus we usually spend about 4k in bills. That’s all deductable now. And it’s all supposed to increase anytime now like,30 percent or some crazy amount.

Least you are still covered.

When my HMO dropped me after a divorce, We as a couple paid $1200 a month, and we had to pay $25 copay every Dr visit, plus $35 for prescription meds.
Then, they wanted me to rejoin them citing $350 a month for only me…How did they figure it was $600 a month before, now only $350?
Did they stuff that extra $250 per person a month into someone’s extra deep pockets?

I have been reading some birth control issues too on instagram.

Trump’s daughter Ivanka had a schizophrenic stalker. so he might be hard on us.

Well from talking with @Rhubot on the other thread. I still think they will keep the part about pre-existing conditions. Even the talking heads on fox news think this which is a little closer to the republican base. However I think that was they are going to do will make insurance cheaper for like 95% of americans. Unfortunately I think that some will see themselves with more expensive insurance. Obama care will probably be more expensive though.

I like the part where they suggested that you can buy across state lines. It means more competition and if you move to another state like I did before you can keep your insurance.

But basically it is all about Trump right now. He said he is going to replace not remove Obamacare. I can see why people are concerned because they have no idea what he is going to do. I want to see the republicans do something about why hospital bills are so expensive in the first place. That would be better when I was hospitalized almost everything was under my deductible so my insurance wasn’t that useful.