Just need to vent

I’m moving out next Sunday but I just cant stand living here. My ex is the most rude and inconsiderate person I’ve ever met. Shes been in the shower for over 2 hours now and is wasting sk much electricity and water because shes probably high or drink or some crap. I’m sick of looking at her. I tried my best to keep things calm but she kept making slight remarks thag just irks Me and I swear she knows it. If she doesnt she seriously lacks insight. She never got the help she needs and I doubt she ever will. That’s a huge reason why I didnt want to take her back. She actually broke it off with me out of anger then turned around the next day asking me to go back we’ve been stuck in the break up make up cycle for 3 years now and I just got fed up with it. I dont even care the reasons why we broke up anymore literally none of that matters to me. All I want is for her to be out of my life. Shes an emotional vampire. I’m not saying j was a saint because I wasnt…but jesus christ lol. Ugh j wish there was a way I could leave now.


Yah it sounds like you need to spend some time apart for sure. I hope you are okay expressing your thoughts and feelings with her. It’s not good in any relationship to keep it bottled up. Maybe she is ready to go her way, too.

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Sounds like this will be a very healthy move for you.

Get you out of that atmosphere, get you and her separated.

Wishing you well

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Just cut your losses and move on. By the sounds of it, its been quite negative.
Best of Luck.

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Oh man are you ever ready to move on. Boy oh boy will you ever be happy to be out of there. I hope you find peace and tranquility wherever you’re going and plenty of hot water lol.

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Yeah I’m ready to leave lol. But unfortunately I have to wait out with my job before they can transfer me to a new location. I considered finding a new job but I dont think thatd be the best thing to do.

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