My platelets are low, my white blood cells are low, and my neutrophils are high (that means I have a lot of inflammation).
Other than that, it looks good.
I’m surprised I already have the results! I got the blood draw done 5 hours ago!
My platelets are low, my white blood cells are low, and my neutrophils are high (that means I have a lot of inflammation).
Other than that, it looks good.
I’m surprised I already have the results! I got the blood draw done 5 hours ago!
Hope you can get all back in perfect health. I’m glad things are looking okay tho
Thanks @POET .
There are actually other members who are on meds I’m on here on the forum. They don’t seem to need to talk about it. But I do. I guess we’re all different.
It’s just that that’s how I process things.
Thanks @Montezuma
As one of those members going through similar things, it makes me feel less alone when you post about your experiences. It isn’t so much that I don’t need to talk about it. It’s more that I don’t know how. I admire your ability to put these things into words.
Oh, ok. Thanks @Ninjastar for explaining that to me. I’m glad it helps you.
@broken , I do take vitamins everyday
high dose vitamin c! ask doctor!
I appreciate the suggestion. I take what my dr prescribes though. When it’s flu season I take more vitamin c.
Makes sense. 151515
I’m sorry but I’m just not on here much anymore due to life problems. You can focus on anti inflammatory diets/treatments/self care. Also focus on boosting your immune system in every way. You will get to the point where you will feel good most of the time but have flare ups. I was on meds for a year before I got on the right meds. I hope the IV transfusion works out because that is super effective.
Honestly with this it’s a waiting game. You have to be on the right med at the right dose for 3-6 months before you feel good. I don’t mind you sharing experiences at all. I don’t share mine often because I have very little time anymore to be here. But I’m always happy when you share because I like to know how you are doing.
Thanks @sweetpotatopie . They increased my dose of the pills first. If that doesn’t work, they’ll approve me for the IV infusions. That’s what they told me a week ago anyway.
My stiffness, and pain improved a bit but not enough. My fatigue has increased. So I’m hoping we find what works and then stick with that.
I’m sorry your life has been hard lately. I hope you get respite from it all soon.
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