My daughter just found out she has a low white blood cell count

The dr is going to check it again to see if it was just a fluke. I’m really nervous about it.


Hopefully it was just a fluke. :pig::pig::pig:

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Is it because of meds?

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I hope everything turns out okay for you guys.


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Did they say they’re going to repeat it? I hope it’s a fluke. Keep us updated. Sorry you’re scared. :hugs:

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She’s not on any meds. But that was a good idea.

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Yes, they’re going to repeat the test. I hope it’s back to normal when they do.

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Let’s hope it’s not low next time. Sending you good thoughts

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Thanks @JustTrish

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@shutterbug man sometimes you are just insensitive.

what kind of reply is that on something as serious as cancer possibly??

@LilyoftheValley I am so sorry this is happening…keep us posted.

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WTF!?!? @shutterbug? Are you ok?

I’m sorry @LilyoftheValley but hopefully it’s a fluke.

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Hey folks. If you see something amiss just flag it. I don’t think there’s anything sinister here but just a misunderstanding. Peace.


Hopefully it will be ok for her.

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I got a false positive for hepatitus once. Haldol can do that, and I was on Haldol. I couldn’t donate plasma any more because of that.

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Sorry folks, when I say that not all of my jokes work, I mean that not all of my jokes work. I was trying to introduce a bit of levity. No offence was intended.


Thanks everyone. I’ll let you know how the next blood test goes when she goes in for it.

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