Just got a Job!

My support workers and I went to see a shop called Radio Respect - who is a charity that sells vintage albums and equipment as well as running a local radio station for those with MH Problems.

And i got a job! Start monday at 10am. Really nervous as i havent worked for 25 years but they seem really freindly. its gonna be a challenge not picking up a drink beforehand - but im determined not to let my addiction screw up any chances of moving forward.


Wish me luck - im gonna be crapping myself al weekend now worrying i mess it up lol. :slight_smile:


Damn straight my man…

Im rooting for you. I know you will ace it brother bear :slight_smile:


Wow, best of luck with it @Naarai . I hope it goes well.



Good luck :four_leaf_clover::+1: 1515

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Nice going, roger! @Naarai

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Thank you All!! :D:D:D


All the best rog!

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That’s great congratulations!
Once you get there you will be fine
Good luck

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Theres a time for everything

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Cool job @Naarai I wish you luck :blush:

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Thank you to everyone. Im gonna be scared - but they seem really supportive. About time i got of my arse and did something instead of staring at computer screens all day lol. I hoping to get a social circle and support rather than relying on propping up a bar for it.


Congratulations @Naarai!

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Good going @Naarai Congratulations

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A lot of jobs excuse mistakes from new employees. They don’t expect you to learn everything the first day and lots of jobs don’t expect you to be perfect. Just do your best and don’t expect perfection from yourself. But you still have to work hard and learn as fast as you can.

Congratulations, by the way!!!

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Good luck. You can do it! Wish you all the best!

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You can do this! Congratulations!

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good luck with that roger, sounds like a great opportunity :slight_smile:

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Congrats to you! Good luck!

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Good luck! Just be yourself and relax.

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