I am sick and I will be ignoring you.
Oh no! What going roxanna?
Roxanna, how is your blanket coming along?
Have crochet one row.im going work on it tonight
Cool. How long is your row?
180 chains. I’m using a pretty yarn red heart purple
That sounds so pretty!
Better than paying attention neighbors
Definitely better. I made a pie today. Did you see it?
I’m sure you’ll make a beautiful blanket. I love blankets, i have one in almost every room of my house. Nice and warm.
What is your favorite blanket? Mine is a fuzzy green and white one. My dog and I fight over who gets the fuzzy green blanket every night.
Mine is a plush red and white one. I keep that one in the living room so I can sit nice and warm. My living room gets cold, so it why I have it in there. It’s also faux so that’s good.
@Roxanna, do you have a favorite blanket already?
I didn’t see it! Which thread?!
Yes I crocheted my mom a blue blanket.
Sounds good to me.
Heard a voice say defense what is it meaning?
Voices have no meaning. How long did it take to crochet your mom’s blanket?
When I hear voices like that I always feel like they’re just trying to get me to spiral looking for meaning when there is none.