Just go away neighbors

Four weeks.i made in her favorite color blue.


That was such a nice thing for you to do! You’re a very thoughtful person.

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@roxanna what’s your favorite thing about yourself?

Someone just shined red laser through the front door then to the bedroom door

I told ya someone is out to get me

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Lasers can’t hurt you. Close the curtains if it helps you feel more secure. Do you have a favorite Prince song?

I’m pretty sure is sight on a gun.

Raspberry beret and purple rain


It isn’t. Close the curtains.

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I love raspberry beret!


Goodnight to my mindlol probably have stay up curtains are closed

Any reason they’d shoot at me?

Zero reasons. Nobody is going to shoot you. You are having delusions. Keep distracting yourself, or try and sleep.


Even when that idiot got fired? They all said wasn’t fired because I’m not supposed to know he was fired

He wasn’t fired. That’s a delusion. And he doesn’t blame you for it. That’s a delusion, too. Do you need to call the crisis line?

I’m sorry about repeating about the whole damn incident

I don’t like that hoe. So he asked what the ■■■■ was wrong me to the guy he got him fired in the first place.

Maybe you should call the crisis line. They usually help you.

I don’t feel like to call them.thanks anyway

It’ll be ok roxanna. No one is after you. Don’t feed into it. It’s always just a delusion.

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I hope so
I really do
They started the bs on September 2017 and haven’t ■■■■■■■ stopped since
I hate it

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