Just celebrated 28 years clean and sober on January 1st, 2018

Only marijuana. I don’t endorse taking drugs or drinking but for me personally, alcohol and crack did not make my symptoms worse. It cold be different for other people though.

I hope you’re not asking because you plan on trying those substances. It kind of sounds like you want to try those substances and you want to hear that you can do them despite your illness.
Because even if those substances didn’t make my symptoms worse, the lifestyle and all the peripheral crap that goes along with drug use will make your life worse. Especially for a schizophrenic.

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Thank you for your reply.
No that is not the reason I asked the question at all.
I have never tried any sort of street drug & Ive been fortunate enough never to have been diagnosed with a MH condition.
I asked the question as my son has suffered (& indirectly me too through caring for him) & used street drugs & Im trying to get some understanding of what he went through & also associated MH conditions.
Thanks again for taking the time to reply & I wish you well.


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