I love joy divisions music. Love Ian Curtis. New order rocks too. Who here likes jd?
I really like this song
Yeah love Joy Division. Still think “Unknown Pleasures” is the greatest album name of all time and the cover was just totally iconic!
You have good taste!
I was listening to closer yesterday. I’m a lifelong fan forever
never rlly listened to joy division but i love new order
Yeah big joy division fan.
Oh I Love JD and New Order!
I have Joy Division’s “Closer” on vinyl.
This is one of the best threads, ever!!
I love Joy Division! Their live in Paris album is one of my favorites. I even went to see Peter Hook interviewed at the Strand when I lived in NYC.
Yes both bands are great. I have both cd’s. Does everyone know what joy division is named from? We cant talk about it here likely. Its from nazis.
Yeah I thought that the band distanced themselves from that and it was just a coincidence. They weren’t referring to the nazi Joy Division when they named the band.
I’m a big New Order fan, but not so much Joy Division. I have all the New Order albums on CD, and I like the late 90s Electronic albums which were Bernard Sumner and Johnny Marr teaming up! Such happy tunes
I assume youve heard electronic?
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