I took two months off of work two years ago, mainly to recover from a hospitalization. When I got back, my back was giving me a lot of trouble. I was in bad pain and it was so stiff that bending was an ordeal. Added to that I was suffering from fatigue and the combination of those changed my whole working style. It took me literally twice as long to do my tasks than it had just months before.
I explained to my bosses the problem and I was afraid I was going to get fired. But they didn’t nag me about or complain to me. And about four months after I got back I won the Employee of the Year Award! WTF?!!! I was flabbergasted. I couldn’t figure it out but I got a $25.00 gift card out of it and a cool plaque to hang on my wall.
But still the bosses don’t complain. Yesterday, my bosses boss told me he wanted to talk to me. I immediately thought “This is it, he’s going to lecture me and fire me.” Well, he pulls me aside to tell me I’m doing a good job and that he’s giving the whole crew another gift card for $25.00 each. WTF again? I think if I punch a general in the mouth and steal a computer they’re going to promote me to head of the company.