Jaw clenching

Hi there🌺!

Since I changed medication from olanzapine to latuda I have been having intense jaw clenching.
Mainly at night time.
Also some hysteria, anxiety and worked up In a way that did not happen on olanzapine.

Do you have hard jaw clenching and what can one do about it?

I will tell my dr next time we meet but thought I would ask here too and see what your experiences are.:blush::pray:t3:

Apart from that I will say the medications do seem to help because I was off it few days and was bad till I got back on it felt better again.

I remember clenching my teeth uncontrollably. I don’t remember thinking meds had anything to do with it. I thought it was just because I was unhappy. Anyway, I suggest you do something about it as it is not good for your teeth.


I used to get this when I had social anxiety. It went away over time and with help from CBT sessions with my therapist

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I had that reaction when I first started on invega but it went away after a month.

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I have started having anxiety lately and my breathing feels more difficult than usual and intenseness, hysteria and paranoia.

It’s only since I moved interstate to my boyfriend and I do t know anyone here and my neigher is not here yet and I feel or have felt attacked by his friends and parents .
Not very welcoming hey but others seem nice and they have the best local oranges I ever had.
Pretty small and without seeds and juicy.

I have difficulties coping some time but am so proud of myself for managing daily life and hygiene etc.

My boyfriend does not seem to understand or care or something.

I believe I have some one spiritually that loves and cares for me.

I have wondered if his friends and family are some type of fanatic nazis but he said he is not.
I do not want others trying to forse their sh## on me.
I have also thought a old man who is highly intense has projected his emotions on to me etc and a others who are jealous of me.

I turn to this forum to vent a bit.
Thank you for having me guyzzzz.:two_hearts::pray:t3:

I am trying to calm down.
I do not look or act worked up right now but I am.

I do not think I can go for lunch at my bf parents tomorrow.
He might get lone time with them.
Maybe they will invite his x who they all adored instead.:blush:
I have been saying no to all dinners and he has been going with out me.
They attacked me so I avoid them and even those I do not feel attacked by can be too difficult to be around in many ways.

Hope my psychiatrist and the mental care worker can and will help me.

I was going to change medication to geodon but I have already had so much change in my life that I do not think it is a good idea.

Thank you to the lady I agist of for taking care of my neigher till she gets here.
I did see her as a friend cause I was able to have a short chat with her and feel comfortable and relaxed which is unusual.
I could not chat with her family comfortably though so usually hi and not much more said.:blush:

I am not a nazi and I am not a Muslim and I am not a racist but I do stand as I stand.
I was a Muslim for one whole year though.
It has its beauty but its not for me and not what I believe in and I do not want it forsed upon me nor other ideals I do not agree with.
I am not a Christian either.:v:t2::metal:t5:
I tried.:blush:
I am not religious.:alien:
I may believe in something n thatzzz with me.

Hope I feel better soon.:frowning:

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I mean in the town /village /state I am currently in they have the best local oranges I ever had.:two_hearts::metal:t5:

Thank you !:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:blush: