Jaw clenching

I notice I keep clenching my jaw for no reason, and it hurts occasionally. I think I grind my teeth in my sleep and that is why I had chunks of tooth fall out. I can’t figure out why. Is this maybe a med side effect (ziprasidone)? Or is it more an anxiety thing?


I’m not sure what causes it, but it sounds very uncomfortable and if it’s damaging your teeth, that’s pretty serious. Have you mentioned this to your PDOC?

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I was gonna go by there today and ask if my appointment can be bumped up to discuss side effects, actually

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I do that too, especially when I’m restless due to negative thoughts and emotions or anxiety.

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Hope it goes well @ZombiePupper.

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You can get a guard to wear at night to protect your teeth


Yeah, we just molded the one we bought the other day. It fits my teeth well, so I’ll try it out later when my bf is gone and I’ll be alone and not talking to anyone.


This sounds a lot like what’s going on with me. It’s mostly a restless feeling when I’m doing it.

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Me too. When I clench my jaw, I tend to move it back and forth. I don’t grind my teeth, but it’s kind of the same motion.

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I don’t grind them during the day. Mostly just tightly clench. I have to consciously unclench and move my jaw for a bit to make it stop.

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