Ah yes, that button goes unnoticed sometimes
Yesh, I’m fortunate too, I have good friends and a good support system. I tend to isolate a lot though, I like my loneliness and then I feel guilty about isolating. I’ll make more of an effort to leave the house more once I get my drivers license
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Having a car and license makes it way easier to go socialize because you can actually get places easily.
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Congratulations Minnii. It is good to take stock of what you have come through, you should be proud of yourself.
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I proud of you! Congratulations on getting your life back. I hope to follow in your footsteps some day.
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Good work @Minnii. A lot of the wisest and most adept people in the world are those who have been through a lot and are world-wise. Falling down, and then people kicking you when you’re down, and ultimately pulling yourself up by the bootstraps almost 100% of the time will create a person worthy of true respect and admiration. One of my favorite sayings is “You don’t kick a dog when he’s down.” I say that because the people in your life who treated you poorly are veritable pieces of shiit. Keep fighting. Keep moving ahead. Keep your head up, and take care of yourself. Sometimes it’s scary when you are the only one looking out for you. You’re fighting the good fight.
I didn’t know you had it so rough Minnii, you’re definitly a survivor.
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Thank you @anon84763962 @Anxiety_Orange @anon40540444 and @77nick77, you guys are inspirations for me too!
Yep. So true. I got picked on and bullied as a teenager. I got pushed around and they called me an a^shole and worse. The main perpetrators were my friends brother and the guy who lived across the street from me. The brother was a cocky good-looking guy who hated me and he was merciless. It took me decades to realize that he was the a^shole not me. I was just someone with hardly any confidence, low self-esteem, and I was not that great looking. I could be a jerk to other people when I was a kid but what teenager isn’t sometimes, I was basically a good kid
I didn’t deserve to be treated that badly. He made my life miserable. I hope that wherever he is today that he is feeling as miserable as he made me feel.
Such a testimony to your depth of strength! So happy for you and impressed by you! ️
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