I've finished uni

Holding off graduation so that I can build up my experience and work as an intern or a freelancer for a bit.

I’m still applying for graduate school, but I want to work in the meantime.

And perhaps take my parents to dinner and get my brother gifts if I can.

I got my first offer from a company today and they are ok with my physical disability but I’m going to wait for more offers to see if other jobs are the right fit.

My dad congratulated me on my first offer ever! I need a job in the meantime so this is a good start.


Oh yeaaaah congratz!


Congratulations. I hope the jobs work out for you.


Maybe if I hadn’t failed out of college my voices wouldn’t hate me so much! Good job! You are a good example for all of us!

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Congratulations :tada:!!!

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This is great. Glad for you. :nerd_face:

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Good job @whirling-leaves


Congratulations :tada:. Well done :+1:

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@whirling-leaves congratulations, and be patient with your self as well as your new job.

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That’s great that you can achieve good things. Best of luck to you!

Congratulations! That’s great news! Good luck on the job search!

That’s what I like to hear. Congratulations.

Congratulations @whirling-leaves !

Congratulations thats great accomplishment :clap:

Congratulations! Thanks for sharing.

Congratulations on all your hard work and getting it done.

congratulation :partying_face:

This is a grand start @whirling-leaves many congratulations!!

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Very well done ! Clearly your illness doesnt define you. Good luck with the job and remember to take care of yourself.