Yes I dream to be med free - the meds I take do have side effects, I am doing well on lower doses and I am grateful for this. The truth is, and I tend to forget this, the meds have saved my life in the past, and I think that they continue to do their job, but at lower doses - who knows, I may have to raise them at some point and thats ok too. I have been a bit too critical of them lately - seeming to bash them whenever I get a chance.
Some meds like antidepressants are harmful for my mental health - these meds are not perfect and do have a lot of side effects. Lots of different meds have side effects - even aspirin.
I have to remind myself that these meds although they have side effects, I can do certain things to make my life healthier, even on meds. I have been thinking, and I honestly dont know how well I would do without meds - I get the hunch that I may relapse without them, so I am just going to have to live with them, and do things like eat healthier and exercise to help myself live a healthier life. Risperdal has been a very good drug for me in many ways - it keeps my moods pretty even and prevents me from leaving this planet sort of speak - keeps me grounded.
My psychiatrist is trying to make me see this, she feels that the meds are really only helping me - it seems that she feels I need them and that I should have to continue living a healthy productive life with them.
My brother in his way is trying to make me see this as well.
Also @Dreamscape helped me see this, by pointing out to me on a different post, that I tend to blame my meds on everything - he is right. thank you for making me see this.
How quickly I forget that me and others need meds, depend on these meds to continue living a happy productive life.
I have been delusion free for a while now - no chronic hallucinations, no intense paranoia, no crippling anxiety or major mood shifts like full blown mania or chronic deep depressions. I really am starting to realize that the meds are a big reason for this
I really like this post…
I’m in your boat… I don’t LOVE taking meds… for the rest of my life… no matter what.
but I’m so happy they work as well as they do and after being in the depths I was in… it’s due to my meds that has leveled me out to get me where I am.
@Wave, I remember an older post of yours that I keep with me…
“It took the meds to get out of the house and even go to therapy in the first place.” - I’ve sort of kept that in my mind when ever I hit a sour note with my meds too.
Thank you for all your wisdom over the years
Thank you J for your kindness. Very much appreciated