I’ve been struggling with health and depression. This time of year is always hard but this year is worse. I just want to crawl into bed and never wake up. But mostly I can’t sleep. So I sit and play on my phone and watch Netflix. I have so much to do but I can’t seem to get anything done. Once my daughter is gone I don’t know what will give me purpose.
We are with you @FatMama. This life is so difficult sometimes. If I were you I would just be kind to yourself and wait for spring. Anything above bare minimum is a success. I’ve been there.
She lives with me every other week and my ex husband the other week. She is 17 so she is almost an adult. When she leaves I’m all alone. Can’t even have a pet here.
Yeah. That’s tough. My daughter is almost 21 and no longer lives with me. But she visits regularly. You could ask your daughter to visit regularly. It might help you.
My daughter just moved out at 20. It’s not easy to let go, but I know she thinks through things so I think she’ll be ok. Besides, she moved in with her dad because he can afford all her food. So I know she’s being taken care of