Its afternoon over here, how are my friends doing?

Hello everyone, what are you guys doing this afternoon? I’m on my bed reading a book and thinking.


I’m just playing on my phone. Holding my baby as she naps.


Awesome dude, what book?


That must feel really peaceful.

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The art of logical thinking


The best time of my life is when my niece was 7 months old and I was babysitting it was Dec 31st and she woke up before midnight I changed her diaper and laid down with her on my chest and then about after 10 mins later I looked at the clock and it was 12:05 am she spent her first new years on her favorite uncle’s chest we were both laying on my sister’s bed. She’s 12 when she’s like 22 im gonna tell her that story


I do! It’s my favorite time of the day.

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I’m watching competitive chess at while listening to a prayer chant. Chilling until my head pressure goes down.


Hmm that’s a very insightful name

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That’s actually a sick idea, streamed chess, I was gonna check it out but my data is kinda slow, won’t stream. What is this prayer chant?

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That melts my heart. You must really care for her.

It’s a Sikh simran, basically a preacher singing “Satnam Sri Waheguru” repeatedly to music. It’s relaxing to me.

There’s a way you can observe chess matches on the actual website, if video streaming is too data heavy. Try, it’s very light on the bandwidth.

True thanks man, can’t you send me a link to the prayer? Thanks!

When she was a little kid around 2 years old I woke up to her crying I put her In the tub cuz she was poopy and ran water on her and she smiled at me and said daddy I said noooo… Cuz he dead beat dad left her and never seen her again since she was 1. When my mom died 6 years ago my niece was 6 I said to her after the funeral would u get if I died she said I would cry for 98 years I said oh great ur gonna live to be a 104 years old and she just laughed

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I’m touched that you want to hear it! it’s at:

Hopefully it helps.

Wow that hit my heart. I feel sad for those kids who don’t have a father. You are doing an amazing work man

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I’m getting pretty tired. 2.20 am here in the UK.
Feeling restless but sleepy at the same time. Not a good combination. I like that u are thinking lol. Good stuff

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right now im on sz forum, but in like 15 or so minutes, im going to be researching childcare stuff on the new york state childcare department website. in the meantime, i guess i might watch some youtube videos of Half Life, Final Fantasy, or Kingdom Hearts gameplay.

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I’m on my couch browsing this forum and drinking coffee

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Thank you butterfly. I recommend that you rest. In my personal experience staying up late is fun but waking up at 1 pm from sleeping at 4am makes me have bad anxiety.

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