Anyone up to chat

It’s been one hell of a rough two nights here at qwerties house. Last night we had my sister getting wasted and being nasty. Tonight qwertle has been up every hour.

Don’t know what’s wrong with him he usually sleeps really well. He isn’t teething (yet) but I’m thinking perhaps he is constipated so I’ve just given him something for it.

How is everyone. Anyone awake ?


Hey yoooooo. Is this a regular chat or a PHOOKIN’ chat?!?

Sorry the kidlet is keeping you up.


You should look up Wonder Weeks if you’re not familiar. A ton of parents swear by the accuracy. Might be that.

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I’m up. Getting Holiday stuff set up and trying to decide what kind of pasta related meal to make for breakfast that will be interesting enough to maybe be worth trying or eating as leftovers, but not just boring and normal like mac and cheese. Lol

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Hello! I’m awake. Just listening to the radio. I’m planning on watching a movie I checked out from the library, The Power.

Hopefully it doesn’t stink. It got mixed reviews, but it has a Rotten Tomatoes approval.

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It’s a PHOOKIN chat. :joy: yeahhh


I love how you roll. :heart:

What’s new and exciting across the pond? I’ve got 3.5 hours of work in the morning and then shut down at 1 pm for Christmas. Back to work on Monday. Doing last minute food prep here.


Nothing much new and exciting here @ozymandias Looking foward to Christmas. Going to my mums house today for Christmas dinner and tomorrow going to my partners parents house for dinner.

Aside from that it’s been one hell of a night but I did get a bit of sleep.

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Sleeps still a mess, awake since 11.30pm until 9pm. I’m not enjoying Xmas
And I’m skint


Most of the people I’ve talked to this year are stressed by it and could do without.

Yeah monies always tight now with prices going up an up. Fuel and food gone up a lot. I have to save now for couple of trips in the summer

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Everyone stay safe this Christmas.

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