I’m laying on my bed drinking coffee watching some youtube videos. Having a blast from the past since I’m watching to catch a predator. Good times lol.
It’s afternoon for me. I’m having a good day, if not a bit boring
Not great… but i am content. You?
I understand it is hard sometimes to do even the simplest things. I hope you get better. I’m very happy feeling productive rn.
I wish I could get inspired like I used to. But stability is still preferable to feeling too much.
Wow is it really afternoon where you live? Well hopefully you are having an amazing afternoon.
Good morning! I’m about to surf YouTube as well, mostly self improvement and fitness videos. Damn I remember tcap that was a good show!
Thank you, and I hope you have an amazing day
Yeah I have fond memories of it. Now they started up again as Hansen vs Predator lol, how times have changed.
It’s afternoon for me too. I had a great morning in the sack sleeping.
I just got two books in the mail from Amazon.com One is “Piano Chords”, and the other is “Advanced Piano Chords”. They are both very sturdy books with spiral binding. And pocket sized too. I am very excited about them.
So far how is it? Do you like it?
It’s pitch black and I just ate a turkey burger, salad, and an artichoke. Wait a minute, somethings sounds not right here.
Lmfao what sounds off man?
hey guys, its nearly 5pm here uk time
my morning was ok though, i talked to a couple of friends (kinda) lol
It’s 1:46 am for me
I got a couple of hours of sleep earlier on in the night though.
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