Dono why that last thread was closed all we were doing is talking about voices. Sorry for any copyright infringements @Om_Sadasiva
I don’t know either. I asked ninjastar but never replied
They closed my thread about voices too, there wasn’t anything too bad about it and unlisted it. I think it’s because I said my voice proved my delusions
They are too strict. In schizophrenia subreddit, they are more understanding
Maybe they will close this thread too
Gonna have a look at that now
Here’s a basic idea for a super mario like game I’m thinking to make that I got while googling stuff. You’d run on a circular track made out of audio or any kind of signal wave from start back to beginning.
You could basicly run on music tracks and challenge yourself with harder tracks
Sounds like a good way to be more creative. Did your voices tell you to google it or did you just find this one on your own?
My voice helped me with this. I have another game idea too I got while doing it.
You must have studied this before? Hence why your voice knows it?
I’m not aware of it, but it’s possible
I get extremely creative in my head while on psychosis. Now I just have to recreate it in reality while I’m sane
Do you want to start number 6 @Om_Sadasiva, I don’t think it’s the same!
This is absolutely the coolest!!! You should check out
What is not the same?
I think they’re going to lock it again.
I asked ninjastar why didn’t she delete the bad posts instead of locking the whole thread
I dono there seems to be more posts on yours. Yeah I think they will, there starting to get really strict from today maybe
What’s up guys? 1515515
I’d honestly rather this website was shut down permanently than it become anything like that forum. That forum is a breeding ground for delusions and has probably wrecken dozens of lives.
I think these madhouse forums are unhealthy. It is giving people a lot worse ideas than when we talk about religion. They are not recovery orientated at all.
I’ve been on the schizophrenia subreddit and haven’t seen stuff like that. I’ve seen trolls though. I prefer this site. Reddit is worse in general.
I guess I have to agree. People get encouraged or triggered with others delusions and it can ruin lives. Its scary.