It is interesting how the world is changing

I rode my bicycle today. It was a sunny early spring day. Sometimes when I ride my bicycle I sit down on the bench of the bus stops. So I did today and one older man in his 80s sat down on the bench too. We discussed how terrible it has been in Ukraine and if something like this happened in my little town, the apartment buildings would be leveled down. We also discussed how we had some old MIG fighter jets from the USSR during the era of YYA (the friendship and cooperation agreement). It was in 1991 when we stopped this YYA era. This old man told how there were the spying equipment installed in each MIG fighter jet and so the Soviets knew where the MIG fighter jets were. Now we have Hornets from the USA and just in 2022 we purchased more modern F-35 fighter jets from America. I do not have many friends and so this socializing is one way me to have more human relations in my life.


I like to discuss with these older people, they have some life wisdom. Here is one posting I wrote in the past.


No politics @Aku1


Yes ok.1515151515.

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Older people are more interesting for sure if you can ever get them to talk lol, seems like they’re always a little shy around me but maybe it’s just me being shy idk. Thats definitely crazy what happened to Ukraine, if that happened here I’m sure it would be a major war

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