It annoys me when people think I’m “high functioning”

I struggle and it makes me feel like my struggles are invalidated. I CAN work, for a certain period , until I feel I’m on a verge of a breakdown. I keep trying to make myself and make work happen. I quit my jobs but then I’m back out there looking for more jobs to start and quit. And when I fail I feel I let people down. Because in their mind I’m high functioning :pensive:


I prefer the term “passing.”


Though, that doesn’t do anything for the judgement and shitty things people expect of us.

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Please can you explain ? I didn’t get the meaning.

I hear ya. My family acts like I don’t even have an illness, as if I should be able to handle things the same as a normal person, and it puts a tremendous amount of pressure on me, more than I can bear.


Please don’t feel bad @anon80629714 you shouldn’t push yourself so hard…when I failed trying to work in my career I became suicidal…if it ever affects you that way …STOP…good luck…I don’t think of you as high functioning but you sure have a pretty bedroom…haha

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I don’t feel like I have a choice. I don’t qualify for disability and my mum won’t allow me to stay on that my whole life if I ever ended up getting it.

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My bedroom is back to being a tip it used to be :joy:


Referring to when someone can “pass” as normal/not ill if even only for a little while. Long enough that people have higher expectations and can easily forget or just not understand that we still struggle.


My diagnosis is ptsd with psychosis but ive never been able to hold a job for more than 2 weeks. I want to work but i just cant. Even before my first break in 2015 when i was 20.i couldnt hold a job at 16 even.


my family doesnt understand the severity of it. i can relate to you

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Yeah I have recovered from schizophrenia but I am low functioning as far as depression and social anxiety are concerned. If I do become employed I will be underemployed because I don’t have the energy for anything more involving and it distresses me…


I’m the opposite. People think I’m low-functioning when I actually can do something. They tried to help me when I didn’t need it so I had to keep saying no. I guess in Japan they tend to over-help patients. I know it’s hard when people think your high functioning when your not but it’s also hard when people think your low-functioning when your not. People don’t understand what you can do and can’t do. You need to be patient and explain to them. I did explain and now people leave me alone unless I say I need help.


You know yourself better than anyone else, ish. Those who say you are high functioning don’t know what you’re feeling inside; they assume that because you are a reasonable and intelligent person you are capable of doing lots of things. They can’t see the interior burnout of dealing with an MI :anguished:.

Follow your intuition.

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@freakonaleash off topic, I know. But I like your username. Freak on a leash is one of my favourite Korn-songs! :slight_smile:


I don’t work I can if I want but I don’t want too for many reasons… I was undermined by co workers in my last employment place it was flower and plants store… so I packed all work in since then 2010 a terrible time in the work place.(I’m a plasterer by trade)

I am on one big holiday since I stopped working years ago…I’m on disability I get 193 euro a week plus free meds…I paid 16 euro for one zyprexa med from the chemist before

the next work I do is too build and design my own house that’s one of my hopes and dreams for the future

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I feel the same.

Just because I don’t appear to be a hot mess all the time,

Or have violent episodes anymore,

People think I’m fine.

Do they have any idea how much weed I have to smoke just to keep from stabbing everyone’s face off?

The crazy is right there, lurking beneath the makeup…

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This kind of reminds me of when I was under evaluation at Goodwill. I made myself work close to full time because I thought it would help me get hired in or somebody would notice how hard I was trying and be able to tell potential employers. It was driving me crazy with stress. I never got hired in nor got any job.

Please don’t beat yourself up, ish. It sounds like you’re doing the best that you can.
Is there some way you can limit your hours, if that is a factor?

In the US you can make a certain amount of money and still get benefits. Like if I did that I’d do ok if I could get into low-income housing.

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I have accepted it full-time and start on Thursday. If I don’t accept it they will find someone who can and i guess that would make sense :frowning:

In the UK, if I got on benefits, I’d be able to work and get benifit too… But I don’t qualify for pip… I go employment support allowance for disabled but since the job is over 16 hours i won’t be able to keep it…

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Good luck ish! I admire your tenacity.

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