High functioning person with psychosis/schizophrenia-how do you define it?

There has been talk here of people being 'high functioning but I’m not sure there’s been a discussion of what constitutes it.
Some of the criteria floating around in my head are: high level of independence / In college/work/ a good social network / good insight.

How would you define it ?

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as far as i can see being recovered means going to colege on promise of gaining employment. being able ro make money really. LOL

I dont know, my psychiatrist said that I was high functioning and capable of independent living - she also said that I was not actively psychotic at the present moment, so she was most likely comparing my condition as it applies to schizoaffective.
I think that if you compare me to other neurotypicals or other people with bipolar, I am lower on the functioning scale.
Many people with bipolar disorder, even the type 1 variety work full time and succeed on many different levels - I am not capable of employment and I barely get by - so in this sense I am not high functioning

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The highest I functioned with schizophrenia is I worked full time in a restaurant, went to college, played with two bands one Jazz one R&B funk, help raise and take care of my nephew,Helped take care of my aunt who was blind, took care of a dog, and the house as much as I could, painting, mowing lawn, fixing some plumping, cleaning.Raced rc cars, raced bicycles every now and then and excersised worked out on my bicycle and at the gym. I ended up graduating from college. This is the highest I functioned with schizophrenia and taking meds, although it was a low dose of antipsychotic, it still helped. Now I cant get out of bed in the morning and sleep up to 14 hours or more somtimes. Struggle to clean the house, take care of my dog, I am dependent on my parents, dont work or go to school. My functioning in life is the lowest but the severity of my symptoms are the lowest they have been becuase I am not under the stress of work or school and having to get out of bed in the morning. No more panic anxiety attacks becuase of my psychosis and stress.


I should say highly functioning is something that even normal people have to strive for. It includes functioning in many arenas like being social and pursuing success. Right now I don’t do ■■■■ not highly function but there are people who do less that don’t have an excuse. I’m trying to heal and prepare myself for life’s challenges. Figuring out how to plug myself back into society. I plan to at least start functioning like an average person once I get back to working. I’ll probably never own a house or get married. I don’t even want to I just want a job that pays the bills so I can live on my own and start saving for retirement.


I’ve been pretty high functioning but I am now working towards a more stable simpler and a 9-5 job I think routine could benefit me in the longterm

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Personally I think ‘high functioning’ can mean different things for different people.

Some may consider themselves high functioning while others may not see them that way.

Some may not consider themselves high functioning while others see them as high functioning.

In the muggle world there are a lot of people who are not high functioning but barely managing…

If high functioning equals normal and normal doesn’t exist then… :sunny:


I see your point. I guess also it depends on whether you compare yourself to the general population or those with the same or similar diagnoses.
I think if comparing yourself to the former then realistically you are less likely to be ‘high functioning’ .


I don’t know what the exact criteria is. It seems to be different things for different people. For some people its ALL about school grades.

For others it’s all about how many hours they can work
Others still… it’s all about how few symptoms they have to fight back.

All good benchmarks and hard work and successes.

With some of the people I’ve been bumping into lately… it’s began to feel like functionality was becoming a race with bragging rights. I just don’t see it as a race… a measure of who is better or not.

There is a lot behind the scenes that helps me get through my day. I don’t see myself as independently
high functioning. I see myself as being able to get through my day and most of the time… be a good friend/ brother/ son to family and others … find some joy in this life… I can be content with that.

For me… It’s not about the functionality numbers on a page… a scale in a study. The more I ponder it… for me… life really is a journey… not a destination. We all know what happens at the end of life… I have no desire to race to get there.


:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: Since I can’t like more then once lol

FYI I would consider you high functioning for the above reasons.

:blush: I’m blushing now. Thank you for that kindness.


making a sandwich…high functioning.
looking at the bread, with a ’ far off ’ look in the eyes’…low functioning.
take care


Depends on what kind of sandwhich though, not just any sandwhich would be high functioning.


Fairy bread being the height of high functioning and all.

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no syptoms in remission, feeling all good emotions mostly

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Elvin bread. Just one bite fills you up!


im making a roast just for me I am deffo high functioning TODAY.
sometimes there nothing else to do but roast the ■■■■ outta some meat.