Like a dormant volcano
How do you mean?
She means her coochi isn’t working.
Do you know this word?
Man, you have to make it clear with foreigners.
What is coochi?
No comment.
Wow someone’s had a huge imagination.
But, Grand Canyon? Wtf?!
Hint: avoid grand canyons
Maybe this was supposed to be a serious thread.
But I need more information before sharing the experience lol.
“Loose meat sandwich”??
Who comes up with this stuff…guys in prison?
Here’s a few describing a ■■■■■…
Ace in the hole
All-day sucker
Apple headed monster
Bald-headed yogurt slinger
Blood engorged mayonnaise cannon
Boneless beef
Cave dweller
Chowder dumper
Clam digger
Cock-a-saurus Rex
Custard cannon
Danger the one-eyed ranger
Danglin’ furry
Deep-veined purple-helmeted Spartan of love
Elmer the glue shooter
Everlasting gob-dropper
Fallopian fiddler
Flesh missile
Foaming beef probe
Gleaming love sword
Glo Worm
Great pyramid
Hammer of Thor
Dangling Chad
He who must be obeyed (No greater truth has ever been spoken, M.H.40+)
Heat-seeking moisture missile
Hymen hammer
Incredible bulk
Jerkin’ gherkin
Jizz whiz
King Dingaling
Komodo dragon
Lady dagger
Lance of love
Last action hero
Leader of the sack
Leather lollipop
Love muscle
Magenta mushroom
Man in the pink helmet
Meat thermometer
Mr. Bobo
Mr. Happy
“Bald-headed yogurt slinger”??
Who comes up with this…guys in prison?
but it is summer down under
One of my friends in beirut asked me if i’ve tried one eyed fish
Let’s see if anyone of you would guess
Boneless beef
I think ax wound is still the funniest reference to a vag I’ve heard.
My situation is inverted - dead brain, but living body; the body wants things, yet the brain is too tired to focus on things. Or maybe it’s more dualistic like Jesus said - the spirit is eager but the flesh is weak.
I’ve seen too much on this thread.
Gnight folks!
Lol, Jaws of hell, also!