Some might call me a misanthrope for this. I have grown weary of people after this week. I lost a good friend because he said some insulting things about my wife. Things that he himself is guilty of. Nothing like a small dose of hypocrisy. People are disgusting. Everyone has bad breath. And if you don’t because you just brushed, you will, again and again. We are comprised of bacteria-laden organs sucking up filth. You see this when anyone vomits - out comes all kind of vileness that lies within. Have I lost faith in humanity? Very much so. I am becoming more hermit-like, scared to go out in public because things that other people do with ease (make small talk, maintain eye contact, joke around, and talk about all kinds of petty things), I struggle to do at all. Since I was about 10 years old, I developed the technique of looking at someone’s chin when they are speaking to avoid the uncomfortable eye contact. And I don’t really care at all if people can tell or find it offensive. I’m not there to please them. My brother-in-law, a polarizing figure in my life if there ever was one, yaks all kinds of gibberish about Jesus and God-this and God-that, and holyfuck me, I can’t stand listening to it anymore. I feel comfortable putting up my intelligence against almost anyone. I have seen, for too long, the all-consuming nature of man. We destroy everything, the earth, the environment, even in space there is all kinds of debris floating around the planet. Humans make me sick. More, more, more is the cry.
Despite all this I mentally feel better today over the past few days. I don’t see anything symptom-wise bringing any of this out. My wife has gone out 4 times this week. I tried to go out with her on one day, but I only lasted 2 hours. I can’t be around people anymore. Getting sick of people.
Anyone else feel this way. Somehow I imagine a few people here will agree.
Happens regularly. But only because my dualistic, dichotomizing, “all good” or “all bad” thinking turns a momentary issue into a permanent one. As soon as I recognize that, the conflict recedes.
Ugh. The worst. I had the “pleasure” of being around one recently that had such bad diarrhea, it went through his diapers and through his jeans onto my captain’'s chair. The mother offered to clean it. I threw the damn thing away. The way I see it, someone owes me a new chair. Disgusting! Gross little ■■■■-nuggets.
I understand completely. But I also understand that if I give up on people that it will be worse in the long run for me. Going out in public is hard. Driving is hard. I’m sick of everybody forcing their “trips” on me and taking out their craziness on me. But then I run into the polite teenager at the drive-thru or someone in traffic actually lets up on their walls and actually lets me alone.
I told my sister this is a pitiful outlook, to be living on the bread crumbs of other people whims. But she said, no ones picking on me and everybody is putting up with everybody else. And I also know that I have something to offer the general public and therefore I have a right to go where I want and I have value as a person.
I’ve been isolating more lately, going out much less.
Everything is a chore, a job, I do not feel like dealing with the public - yes this is where I am right now.
Do I need more meds? Maybe, but I am tired of the damage these meds are doing to my body.
My OCD has hit the roof, so my doctor wants me to take more APs - Getting tired of Life and people in General.
There is only so much “human” I can take. But some time away sure does help.
I work out in parks but I’m on my own a lot for the actual job… so I’m out… but I see people. Sometimes I people watch and just wonder what in the hell their thinking.
I can take people in small doses… but I have to have a break too… good luck and I hope you feel better soon.
Lately i can just shake my head at homo sapiens. People can be so full of themselves. People like to play a blame game and I don’t like that. I can’t blame anyone for this illness and yet people have a lot to say about me. Lots of people are just rude and mean. They care only about themselves. Myself as a mentally ill person care more about others than anyone else could care about me. I like to consider other peoples feelings in whatevere I say or do but just the opposite is true about most others. You can think you like someone and get along with someone then suddenly one day that person will lash out at you as if you are scum of the earth.
d00d, it’s a baby. It’s not like they have conscious control over that sort of thing. My daughter had the occasional diaper ‘blow-out’ as we called it where she exceeded the capacity of said garment. Happens. Something we’ve all done as infants ourselves. Condolences about your chair, but take it from a father that this sort of thing does clean up.
You’re definitely on edge this week. Suggest doing some relaxing activities. Go for a walk. Drink some tea. Play a video game if that’s what’s needed.
I thought I was alone in this. I’ve felt this way for the last 20 years. All people disgust me, and it’s not their attitudes. The biology. Even myself. Nothing worse than the conscious thought of what’s under my skin. Literally. I tried to start a relationship recently, but just find everything about humanity pointless. The only reason I’m still alive is because other humans care for me and would be hurt if I died. That, and the fact that maybe, just maybe, I might cross paths with someone in the future and change their course in history for the betterment of this seemingly futile existence.
Sex disgusts me, too. What’s the difference between intercourse with a goat, and a human other than a difference in DNA and social acceptability? We are all meat bags. The only reason sex is tolerable to me is because I know the other person is getting pleasure.
Maybe you meant disgusted more superficially? I’m disgusted biologically. Even my own self at times.