Hello Mike, thank you for your post. The thing is, I go to the gym, if not, run or cycle. I am also pursuing a new career, as such, studying tremendously, so I continually keeping myself mentally stimulated, also, I also ensure I maintain myself hygienically and with a healthy diet. Yet, despite this, my positive, negative and cognitive symptoms continue to decline, I feel that this may not just be by virtue of stress stimulants…
Yes, I also feel that same, cognitively, I am not as accurate even as I was a few months ago
It’s a scary feeling, feeling like my brain is deteriorating
There are always ups and downs. When im down i think im deteriorating and will always feel horrible and when im up I think i am healing, start working on all sorts of things and will always stay well. Bipolar-like, but without extreme ups. Im not sure…I think overall some things got better and some worse.
Nope mine is pretty stable.
I feel that cognitively I’m getting worse. Paranoia and delusions are fairly under control lately.
I’m not sure. Psychosis is better but depression bouts worse (or the same maybe I just forgot)
Maybe it’s just the meds working that’s why I’m better. Off the meds it will be a different story
Lots of things have gotten better. Some issues have stayed the same. I’m not getting worse.
Actually over all my illness has got better
My breakthrough symptoms are less frequent my mood has improved and I’m sometimes enjoying things more
May I ask, does anyone still have the same positive symptoms although on medication? Has it improved in any way?
My cognitive abilities are much worse. Also my physical health is very bad. Mentally I think I’m better but it waxes and wanes. I need my meds fixed a bit.
I’m told what I see and believe is not real and that I’m paranoid. I always take my meds and I set alarms do I don’t forget. I’m on my 10th antipsychotic and I’m still the same.
I think so cuz I started hallucinating again despite being on meds. I need a higher dose to block out the hallucinations
I feel that I’m starting to get a little bit sad because I have no friends and my ex girlfriend doesn’t contact me anymore or answer my phone calls. She always used to. I have no one now.
My former best friend is dead now so I don’t have her anymore either. (She died from smoking).
My friend from the assisted living center’s voice mail is full and she’s not answering her phone either. I don’t know what is going on with her. She is in her mid 80’s and she could be in the hospital with something serious, who knows?
Stable. Not ahead but not behind the game. Can do some things but full time work is out of my abilities. Still. I like my life and although it’s different I enjoy it.
I truly admire all of you and can sympathise with your experience. I find myself in a peculiar place.
Can I ask, are you happy? I ask because I always feel sad. I do laugh, make jokes and do have happy moments, but these moments transpire from consistent sadness. I feel as though I will never experience happiness the way I used to
That’s awesome @Blizzard . You pushed yourself to the limit, I’d be proud of that.
only my cognitive abilities
and my listening skills
When you say cognitive functions, can you elaborate?
I think I’m fairly stable. I have a good support network which is important .
Do I still have difficulties/problems? Yes. I’m doing better than I was at my last place though.