I lived in a developing country where vaping is not ban but not many young people are using as people are still using traditional cigarette.My co-worker who smoke,still smoke.Is vaping healthier then smoking or is it actually the same thing as in vaping will replace smoking,so in 30 years time people who know vaping kills same as smoking?
Vaping, the nicotine is carried to the lungs by vegetable glycerin or propylene glycol. Smoking, combusting the tobacco mix produces hundreds of byproduct chemicals which all goes to the lungs. Going from smoking to vaping would seem to be damage reduction. Although we still need more long-term data.
@Gtx1990 there is a lot of debate about this I for one believe the news that people that vape can come up with several lung conditions such as popcorn lung also this happens a lot faster while cigarettes will take on average 20 years for any lung conditions to form vaping causes lung conditions much faster about one to two years one of my good friends we use to live together would vape and cough all the time without realizing it but if he stopped vaping and went to cigarettes he stopped coughing I’m sure if he keeps vaping he’ll end up in the hospital unable to breath or worse… I for one think cigarettes are healthier but still cigarettes aren’t healthy as my mom always says we’re suppose to breath oxygen not cigarette smoke or vaper
Edit: you are also more likely to get nicotine poisoning through vaping
Nicotine poisoning is true.My co-worker are all smoking and not vaping.I am leaning towards vaping because I enjoy vaping,but I don’t like this habit.Smoking for me is easier to quit as I need to step out of the shop to get a smoke break,while vaping I always do it inside the shop and I feel so guilty like I am lying or cheating in some form
Im vaping - and found my lungs to be clearer in the morning. I certainly dont cough on it like roll-ups. Its recommended by the NHS in Uk now - as a method of quitting smoking, so i have no worrys about the risks. Its still harmful - yes - but far less than a cigarette with 100+ chemicals in.
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