I’ve been suffering from distressing movements of my tongue and jaw. The jaw clenches and I grind my teeth at night. As for the tongue it is constantly flexing and moving against the back of my teeth.
Some history. I’ve been on antipsychotics for sz for about 2.5 yrs. Mostly high doses. For past 6 months have been on aripiprazole, decreasing from 30mg.
I have akathisia and other side effects as a result of the medication which have really distressed me. These side effects have led me to want to decrease my dosage independent of my pdoc. When responding to this pleasebe sensitive to the fact that I am suffering unbearable side effects which my pdoc has ignored, please don’t respond by saying something along the lines of “your doc knows best, every order he gives you is in your best interest”. I know for a fact this is not true, he specializes in mood disorders (not sz) after all.
What should I do? My pdoc gave me a script for 10mg abilify and that is my official dose. However for the past month I have decreased it to 7.5, today I took just 5mg. Because of the long half life this isn’t as likely to produce a withdrawal.
I was on 400mg of Aripiprazole injection and when I went for a dentist check up he told me I was grinding my teeth in my sleep and said I needed a month guard. Before Aripiprazole I never had any complaints of teeth grinding.
Because I live in England I get free dentist care. The dentist took a mould of my teeth, it wasn’t uncomfortable, just a horrible taste while the gel set. I went back a week later and my mouth guard was made. It’s not uncomfortable to wear but I can’t tolerate it in for long. I working up to wearing it for longer. I asked the dentist who much I would of had to pay and he said £230 but I’m on benefits so it was free.
I have tardive dyskinesia from taking abilify. It started as a slight pursing of my lips and movement of my chin as well as shaking of my fingers. When it first started happening my husband noticed it before I even did, you almost do it sub-consciously. Luckily it was caught early and has mostly gone away. But I notice I still purse my lips a bit if I’m tired and not feeling well.
Gorrister, that sounds terrible! You should ask your doctor tp switch you to a new ap. It could be tardive dyskinesia and should be reported to your doctor immediately. Do you have any control over it? If not, it is more likely to be TD.
As for the akatheisa. Is it almost unbearable? I’ve had some seriously unbearable akathesia. From abilify and other meds no less. Again I suggest asking your pdoc to switch meds.
I had some problems like movements or stiffness of tongue.and my foot making round all day.I stopped haloperidol and these movements went after two weeks.My psychiatrists said that are “tardive movements”.
Could be. Any of the major tranquilizer medications of that class can be associated with tardive dyskinesia - especially those like chlorpromazine, fluphenazine, piperazines and even butyrphenones, but also can happen with anti-nausea drugs like Reglan or Compazine that are structurally similar to Haldol-type drugs. It is due to inhibition of dopamine in the part of the brain called the basal ganglion.
There’s one other point which may be worth mentioning, briefly, here. If you are a person who has been taking medications like Abilify for some time, and have developed tardive dyskinesia, this condition can actually be masked by the medication itself. This condition can potentially also be masked by Abilify. So, for example, if you stop taking the other med, but immediately start the Abilify, you might not know you have the condition, but then when you stop taking the Abilify (particularly if you are no longer taking any of the other meds in the same class) the symptoms may emerge, leading one to think that they are the result of having been on (or just stopped) the Abilify.
I am a full time carer for my sister who was wrongly medicated for schizophrenia she never had.
she was prescribed Stelazine for 20 years.
Stelazine is well documented online in the USA as being withdrawn from sale for causing TD.
And numerous lawsuits against the manufacturer being won by sufferers of TD.
When my sister was slowly weened off Stelazine, the first symptoms of TD were exactly as you described.
Over a few weeks and months of being off the meds i realized it flared up whenever she ate or drank anything with sugar or sugar replacements in it. So we eliminated sugar from her diet. (Not hard - can still eat all vegetables, all raw fruit, nuts, and all kinds of meat - just no sauces. marinades or dressings and she just drinks water and occasionally a home squeezed orange and a lime in soda water).
Suprisingly and thankfully the TD went away from her mouth, and shifted to her arm. 2 years later she can control her arm movements if i remind her too. (she also has a mild intellectual disability - slow learner, so she doesnt actually realise shes doing it).
So I think there is good news about TD, and hope for anyone suffering from it, cos of witnessing my sisters recovery, and her ability to just stop her arm moving at will. Someone without an intellectual disability may find it much easier to take control over it.
I personally think meds effects can wear off and over time and think the body expels them automatically, especially if the persons diet is all natural grown foods over man processed foods.
I have to say i empathize with Gorrister. It was hard to witness my sister suffering, so i cant imagine how distressing it must be actually having it im so sorry. But please just be kind to yourself in any way you can, and allow others to care for you also.
I can’t diagnose TD, but it sure sounds like it. There’s a new drug out to actually treat TD but I can’t remember the name, you’d have to Google it.
I’ve been wearing a mouth guard for years and tho most folks only use them at night I wear mine all the time except when eating. Talking while it’s in makes me sound like a drunk, but I want to keep my natural teeth as long as I can so I don’t really care how I sound.
The only med which doesnt cause TD is clozapine. this could be a possibility for you. on the other hand it can cause metabolic problems like excessive weight gain…