Is there anyone else who can't take ssris

They cause sickness, racing heart, and just funny feelings and make me not feel right. I’ve tried 5 and outcomes are the same. Am I alone?

Thanks for your advice


I tried only one SRRI and it was simply unhelpful for me. It was zoloft. (Setraline) Totally no relief of depression

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i m using prozac as ssri.i think is helped my depression also for my mild ocd.overall its great drug

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I’m thinking about asking for buspar.



Effexor zombified me and withdrawals were horrid.

Sertraline caused hypomania and impulsive behaviour. And made me feel weird.

Citalopram made me have terrible nightmares, where I’d wake up with a racing heart and scary dreams.

Herbal ssris like saffron are good in moderation, but cause racing heart and hypo mania in higher dose.

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Same for me too…
I become agitated on them, more somatic, anxious and more paranoid lol…
Even the sedative ones do that on me… :confused:
I also find, that some of them fog quite a lot my thinking, not good…


I wonder if there’s an alternative. I feel so low at the moment. The situation is such, that feeling very low is the normal emotion. But it sucks and limits my everything. I need a break.

Does anything work for you guys? Exercise, herbs, supplements, whatever?

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I tried fluvoxamine and it made my OCD terrible and Ive also tried lexapro and it did nothing for me

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Buspar is good. I like it. :+1::+1::+1:

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I have problems with ssri’s Prozac made me feel intoxicated with severe mania

Zoloft made me sick and my body rejected it

Lexapro put me in the hospital for paranoid psychosis

Celexa was the only ssri that didn’t cause mania/psychosis but I’d sleep 16 hours on average

Wellbutrin is currently helping when mixed with lamictal Wellbutrin clonazapam and haldol there all perfect for the most part

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Honestly and maybe I shouldn’t say this but If prozac was in my house I’d end up trying to go manic off of it again eventually the mania was intoxicating sadly and some of the times I miss it

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Same here! Made my OCD bad
Sertraline feels like it does nothing for my OCD right now
Helps a tiny bit if that

What do you take now for that?


Nothing I just fight through the symptoms

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ive been taking zoloft for a few years. it assisted in me pulling through a bad spot. i dont know if i need it anymore but im not stopping it because whatever combo of meds im on seems to be the best of any previous regimens

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It pushed me into psychosis when I last took them


maybe trying NDRI (Bupropion) but there is a risk for psychosis.or NRI it is efficient and considered to be safe. me personally take NRI (atomoxetine) it gives me good mood and motivates me and make me energetic and vigilant.

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SSRIs and SNRIs both send me manic. Gabapentin has been working out pretty well for me. I took Buspar for a few months once, but it was in 2015 and I barely remember what it was like. I can try to dig up my old posts on it.


Yeah I have my doubts about buspar really working.

This is apparently what I experienced. But I was also on the max dose of Geodon, and recovering from a TBI, and working full time at the place where I got the TBI, which was keeping me in a constantly triggered PTSD state. Maybe it would have worked out okay if any of those factors had been different.

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Thanks for your help! I appreciate it.

I just know I do need something for these OCD thoughts.

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